Despite the fact that many want to make this tragedy a political murder, it is impossible to defend this thesis. The mayor of Gdańsk was killed by a sick criminal and not a calculating hitman inspired by political hatred,” write Marek Pyza and Marcin Wikło in the new issue of the weekly „Sieci”.
Journalists describe the profile and past of Stefan W. They describe and report on what he testified in the prosecutor’s office:
He talked a lot about himself, but these stories are rather effect of delusions and inventions. In his paranoid world, he places people with whom he was supposed to have contact during psychiatric treatment in his youth. He mentions a girl who was also treated and later was to become a prosecutor. Stefan claims that a few years earlier it was this prosecutor who foretold to him that „he will be involved in assaults”, while she „traveled in time”. […]. Then, after being captured, he is to be poisoned in custody
— write the journalists.
It therefore seems justified to ask the following question: is not pretending to be sick part of his game aimed at avoiding punishment? – wonder the authors. At the same time they add: Judge Barbara Piwnik claims:
I have heard comments that somebody has learned to behave in a way that is specific for the disease. It’s absolutely impossible. Week-long observations and extended examinations with the participation of doctors and psychologists will detect it.
Journalists also emphasize that Stefan W. received a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia while still in prison.
Wikło and Pyza also indicate that during conversations with the prison attendant at the end of his sentence Stefan stated that he considered himself to be a „supporter of the Law and Justice (PiS) party” and „would like Jarosław Kaczyński to become a dictator”. According to the perpetrator’s accounts, he blames for this „injustice” those who ruled when he received the sentence, i.e. the Civic Platform”.
The authors also remind us of Stefan W.’s behaviour after an attack on Paweł Adamowicz. They quote a commentary on this subject made by Dr Jerzy Pobocha:
The manner and effect of stabbing with a knife showed that he did not intend to hurt, but to kill […]. And then he walked demonstratively on the stage, expressing his joy at what he had done. This is an absolutely exceptional behaviour. [….] The joy of the event that he himself provoked - someone’s death - proves that he is either devoid of feelings or it is a symptom of mental illness.
Wikło and Pyza also quote Prof. Andrzej Rzepliński’s answer to the question whether it was a political murder: No. It was the murder of a man who wanted to make history; the history of a predator, an intelligent man. This is not a madman, as some people say, a paranoid schizophrenic. Such people follow the voices of the other worlds and we do not understand them at all. [….] He was convinced that what he was doing had political significance […]. He did it in order to exist, to make history.
The authors emphasize that the co-prisoners also deny the reports of „Gazeta Wyborcza”, that Stefan W. was supposed to be influenced by the fact that he had been watching and reading media close to the ruling camp. One of his former fellow prisoners tells the story:
First of all, I must say that news is rarely seen in prisons. In our cell, however, there was an exception, because the TV owner was interested in various things, so we sometimes watched news. But if that was the case, it was mostly Polsat and TVN. Surely we didn’t watch news on TVP at that time. When asked if he read any books, he incriminated the main organizers of the smear campaign: „Rather colourful newspapers, e.g. „Angora”. He sometimes borrowed „Gazeta Wyborcza” and sports magazines from me.”
Tłum. K.J.
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