Magdalena Biejat rozwiewa nadzieje Kosiniak-Kamysza: Wspólny kandydat koalicji, to political fiction i niezbyt szczęśliwy pomysł
Wspólny kandydat KO, Trzeciej Drogi i Lewicy na prezydenta to political ficion i niezbyt szczęśliwy pomysł - powiedziała w Studiu PAP wicemarszałek Senatu Magdalena Biejat (Lewica).
Angela who? Frau Merkel's fatal legacy. How the attitude to the political legacy of the former German Chancellor is changing
The text begins with a comparison between two women who, for a dozen years or so, completely dominated political life in their respective countries: Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel.
Lust for revenge, hatred and pathological elimination of political opponents. Trump's assassination was preceded by the same kind of hate speech we have in Poland
Worryingly, a massive wave of hate speech against President Andrzej Duda, who in this political chaos is the only guarantor of the seriousness and security of the state, is also increasing.
Nawet z tej strony Kosiniak-Kamysz nie ma wsparcia! Hołownia otwarcie: Nie wystawimy wspólnego kandydata na prezydenta
Tusk już zdążył poskromić jego entuzjazm — Magdalena Biejat rozwiewa nadzieje Kosiniak-Kamysza: Wspólny kandydat koalicji, to political fiction i niezbyt szczęśliwy pomysł…
Patryk Jaki elected Co-Chairman of the ECR Group
Patryk Tomasz Jaki, 39, is a political scientist and university lecturer with a doctorate in security studies. MEP Jaki is Vice-president of the Law and Justice party in Poland.
Czyny Trumpa ważniejsze niż bajki o Kanadzie. "One dają wyobrażenie, jaki będzie realny kształt amerykańskiej polityki"
…– prezydent w dziejach USA w 2016 roku doszedł do władzy także dlatego, że stał się dla Jankesów symbolem walki z nieszczęsną zmorą „political correctnes”, czyli politycznej poprawności.
PM Viktor Orban's advisor criticizes Tusk government's decisions. "Childish, contrary to the spirit of the EU presidency"
Hungary decided to grant political asylum to former Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski following his arrest by Polish authorities despite his immunity as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly…
Romanowski's open letter to Bodnar! “I pledge to return to the country within 6 hours if the government withdraws its illegal actions”.
As we wrote today on the wPolityce.pl portal, MP Marcin Romanowski, who was granted political asylum by Hungary, responded to the words of the Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar with an open letter at 10:…
Lekcja Trumpa. Trzeba wyciągnąć wnioski z tej wyborczej wiktorii. Wiele Amerykanek uznało, że Harris jest "monotematyczna"
Kolejny wyborczy wniosek: wbrew „Black Lives Matter” i całego oceanu „political correctness” ws. polityki „rasowej” okazało się, że Murzyni, sorry, „Afroamerykanie” wcale nie muszą „ex definitione” głosować…
wPolsce24 reveals: Kołodziejczak holds up a banner with a disgraceful inscription about refugees as ‘human trash’
Asked by a reporter from Telewizja wPolsce24 whether he had ‘changed his views or only his political colours’, Kołodziejczak again shielded himself behind forgetfulness.
Prawyborcza walka w KO. Sikorski zamówił sondaż w Anglii. Wynik na korzyść szefa MSZ. "Radek jest pod tym względem lepszym kandydatem"
Badanie zamówione przez Sikorskiego zostało przeprowadzone w brytyjskiej firmie Sancrox Political Advisory.
It was Donald Tusk and the rest of the Civic Platform who made Marcin Romanowski obtain asylum in Hungary
Moreover, in his motion, Dr Marcin Romanowski pointed out that he cannot count on a fair trial in Poland due to the political involvement of some judges who openly support the current Minister of Justice…
Alert of the MB of the Association of Polish Journalists (SDP) on the increasing attacks and threatened independence of the Association
We turn to all people for whom freedom of speech, unfettered public debate free from political pressure are important, to turn their attention to the increasing attacks on our organization.
In the new ‘Sieci': The mystery of his faith. ‘A passionate story about the sources of Fr Olszewski's strength’; ‘He is a person sensitive to human suffering’
Michał Olszewski, who is being destroyed by the machinery of political revenge and has been held in custody for many months.
Poprawność polityczna – szkodliwa i nieszkodliwa? Rewolucja semantyczna wstępem do utopijnych projektów inżynierii społecznej
Inkluzywność wykluczająca i powstanie nowej elity”, poświęcona zjawisku „political correctness”.
It is now Tom Rose. "He is a friendly and intelligent interlocutor. You can sense his journalistic and business experience"
The news that the Polish political world had been watching out for with great interest came on Thursday night. President Donald Trump has nominated a new US ambassador to Poland.
Świat znikczemniony. Homoseksualizm i pedofilia jako nowa "miłość". Pedofilia? Już powstały potrzebne analizy naukowe
…obowiązującą definicję pedofilii i organizuje konferencje na ten temat z udziałem naukowców m.in. z Harvard Medical School, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center czy London School of Economics and Political…
After the PKW's decision, is there still a chance for fair elections? The time has finally come to recognise that someone is attempting to steal Poland
They are doing so under the leadership of a political appointee of the Left, whose party - as Jaroslaw Kaczynski reminded us yesterday - ‘does not have enough votes in the parliament to be able to send…
THE LETTER OF SEVEN. Outstanding artists in defence of Priest Michael Olszewski. ‘We request his immediate release from detention’
The situation is ‘reminiscent of the communist practices of criminalising political opponents and forcing them to give confessions’ - stresses the signatories to the document - Jerzy Kalina, Antoni Libera…
WYWIAD. Xawery Żuławski: Bohater, który może wszystko. "W tej postaci wszystko jest możliwe"
W tych miejscach, w których się da, staraliśmy się przybliżyć wydarzenia tamtych lat, ale bez oceniania i robienia kina politycznego czy political fiction.