Angela who? Frau Merkel's fatal legacy. How the attitude to the political legacy of the former German Chancellor is changing
This broke down the political system that had existed for decades.
President of the Constitutional Court accuses those in power of a coup! He files a notice to the prosecutor's office against Tusk, among others
…of acting in an organized criminal group from December 13, 2023 to the present day in Warsaw and other places in Poland, at short intervals in the execution of premeditated intent, with the aim of changing…
We will remember Prof Staniszkis as a courageous person and a scientist. There is much to her credit for changing things for the better in Poland
The education system is also changing, with graduates less and less capable of innovation — stated the professor.
Podsumowanie pierwszego miesiąca Obserwatora Finansowego TV. Ponad 6 mln wyświetleń, blisko 200 materiałów wideo, 76 gości
…„Navigating the Changing Landscape: Central Banks in a New Normal”) oraz krajowych (konferencja w Szkole Głównej Handlowej z okazji Dnia Przedsiębiorcy), a także materiały wideo, w tym oryginalne produkcje…
Tragiczne prognozy wyborcze dla brytyjskich torysów. Konserwatyści zmierzają do największej klęski od czasów... księcia Wellingtona
Rob Ford z think-tanku UK in a Changing Europe.
Changing EU treaties. Saryusz-Wolski in Brussels: It's a constitutional coup, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of states
According to the organizers of the debate, changing the EU treaties meant „giving Brussels more power and further limiting the sovereignty of member states in the relentless march toward an increasingly…
EXCLUSIVELY. Szydło: PO was supported not only by social media haters, but manifestations inspired by them
In my opinion, changing the constitution is not possible at the moment, but such a debate would probably be necessary, and we should consider the situation on the Polish political scene in general, how…
Law and Justice President: Germany is adopting a racist attitude towards Poles. They have not changed in relations with Poland, and Tusk fits into the picture
This is an offense under Article 127 of the CC, which Prime Minister Tusk has been committing for a long time - it’s about changing the state system by violence.
President Kaczynski: Poland today has become a country where we can hardly speak of any rule of law. We are going to have political prisoners
It’s about changing the Treaties, but a change that is very far-reaching. If implemented, it will turn our country into an area inhabited by Poles, and managed from the outside.
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
Apparently, it is based on a resolution of the Sejm, which is the grounds for the actions of the Minister of Culture, who announced that he is changing the management of the public media.
TOP 10 quotes from President Andrzej Duda's interview for "Sieci" and wPolityce.pl. "The line of the rule of law - I will never allow it to be crossed"
It is highly likely that some circles will try to shape the narrative around the issue of changing the European treaties, abolishing the principle of unanimity, trying to bring Poland into the eurozone…
Organizatorka marszu Black Lives Matter w Bristolu przyznała się do oszustwa. Pieniądze zamiast na wsparcie młodzieży poszły do kieszeni
Podczas kolejnej rozprawy sądowej w Bristolu Saleem przyznała się do oszustwa, które miało polegać na nadużywaniu swojej pozycji w kontekście oszukiwania organizacji charytatywnej Changing Your Mindset…
Bitter reflection from Jaki after Tusk's words on KPO: "From the very beginning it was not about any deficiencies in the rule of law, but about blackmail"
The Law and Justice MEP argues that from the beginning it was not about the rule of law, but about changing the government in Poland.
President says Polish soldiers changed course of history in 1920. "They defended the whole of Europe"
…day’s main events took place on Pilsudskiego Square in central Warsaw where leading figures, including Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, attended a ceremonial changing…
Russia biggest threat to Nato allies says Duda. "Russia ceases to be a Nato partner to any extent"
But, Duda added, the alliance’s narrative towards Russia, which is waging an aggressive war in Ukraine, was now changing. „ Russia ceases to be a Nato partner to any extent,” he said. „ Russia is today…
Prof. Glinski: In relations with the EU, the time is working in our favour. "As long as we have a sovereign government, the string will always be taut."
They are bending the rules, they are changing them.
What unites the opposition is merely 'anti-PiS'. There is no common programme and demagoguery alone is not enough
What is needed is the capacity to govern, to react to a dynamically changing situation and to have a vision for the country. And what?…
OUR INTERVIEW. Gen. Skrzypczak: I hope France and Germany will not return to a policy of seeking compromise with Russia
For the Germans, we are an excellent economic partner, and it seems that the growing potential - not necessarily military, because we will not invade Germany, after all - but the economic one is changing…
Perspektywa wojny o Tajwan a interesy polskie. "Nie ma zatem powodów do radości"
Ray Dalio, znany inwestor i ekspert geostrategiczny, autor bestsellerowej książki The Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail , jest przekonany, że wizyta Nancy Pelosi na Tajwanie i chińska…
Polska doceniona na świecie! Niemiecki instytut podkreśla: "Niewymierna i absolutnie godna podziwu pomoc Ukrainie"
Sondaż został przeprowadzony przez firmę badawczą Redfield and Wilton Strategies dla think tanku UK in a Changing Europe.