Prof. Glinski: In relations with the EU, the time is working in our favour. "As long as we have a sovereign government, the string will always be taut."
We are steadily strengthening our state and building our position in the Union - in order to become a country that is treated equally and has a joint decision-making role.
OUR INTERVIEW. Gen. Skrzypczak: I hope France and Germany will not return to a policy of seeking compromise with Russia
The Russians are now building up a lead and they need to be prevented from any offensive at the moment.
Symboliczna wiecha na budynku nowej siedziby Ambasady RP w Berlinie! "Inwestycja jest realizowana zgodnie z zasadami BIM"
Inteligentny budynek Nowy inteligentny budynek zostanie wybudowany zgodnie z zasadami BIM (Building Information Modeling).
Inwazja rosyjskich kretów. Takich rosyjskich kretów jak Michuszyn, Maria Adela Kuhfeldt czy Siergiej Skworcow są dziś w Europie tysiące
Założył w Szwecji firmę pod nazwą Building Data and Technologies, która zajmowała się usługami informatycznymi.
Nowe fakty ws. rosyjskiego małżeństwa zatrzymanego w Szwecji. Mieszkali w tym samym domu, w którym kwaterował zabójca Skripala?
Jak ujawnili dziennikarze śledczy, należąca do Skworcowa firma Building and Data Technologies regularnie współpracowała tylko z jednym przedsiębiorstwem - holenderskim European Technical Trading, zarządzanym…
This is how the attack on the PiS headquarters looked like. Here's the surveillance footage! "You will be dead. Call out Kaczynski!". And this isn't where it stopped
The tvp.info portal published footage from a camera placed at the entrance to the building. I want to see Kaczyński, he knows what this is about — said a man trying to enter the headquarters.
Polish National Foundation contributes to the promotion of the historical film "Orlęta Grodno 39"
As the school year begins, on 1 September 1939, the school building is bombed by German planes.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
…1918, at the Red Army briefing, its commander Leon Trotsky referred to the Sovietisation of Poland and Ukraine as “the links binding Soviet Russia with future Soviet Germany,” and the first stage in building…
To już jutro. W kierunku Ziemi leci ogromna asteroida. Co mówi NASA?
Obiekt może być dwa razy większy od słynnego wieżowca w Nowym Jorku: Empire State Building – podaje specjalistyczny portal Science Alert. Asteroida jest obserwowana od 2008 r. NASA szacuje wielkość asteroidy na od 350 do 780 m.
"Poland versus the European Union", Antoni Libera versus "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung"
Today, on the other hand, EU architects are turning their backs on this legacy, building their construction on completely different foundations, symbolically demonstrated by Jean-Claude Juncker’s recent…
Minister Mariusz Kaminski: The aim of Lukashenko was to break the Polish state. But we have defended ourselves. And important words: EU must draw conclusions
An important step towards building a common-sense approach to the protection of the European Union’s external borders and the related issue of migration was Friday’s conference on border management in…
Accurate response to the nasty text of "Die Welt". Warchoł: "Mr Fritz, please note...” Kaleta: "Is this supposed to be a game of hatred?"
Among others, posters calling on Germans to pay reparations to Poland for World War II, as well as Jarosław Kaczynski’s words about building a „Fourth Reich”.
Leaders of EU conservative parties meet in Warsaw. "To work for the renaissance of the European right"
The first relates to strengthening cooperation, coordination and building unity between the two right-wing groups in the European Parliament.
German labour camp for Polish children on Przemysłowa Street in Łódź (1942–1945)
For the twenty-five months of the camp’s existence, the commander’s office, located in the pre-war building at 34 Przemysłowa Street, was the most important facility in the camp.
The Lukashenko regime is planning further provocations. The brutal aggression on Poland's borders continues. "They have combat experience"
This aggression was directly aimed at soldiers involved in building border defences.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
…me put it this way: we have had talks among the most important people in the state responsible for security - I am talking both about Prime Minister Morawiecki and Prime Minister Kaczynski - about building…
Soldiers have started building a fence on the Polish-Belarusian border. Head of the Ministry of Defence: We are strengthening the border
On Wednesday, the army began building an approximately three-metre high fence on the Polish-Belarusian border in the region of Zubrzyca Wielka in Podlaskie voivodeship.
OUR SURVEY. Strong support for the construction of a fence on the border with Belarus. The fence is to protect Poland against provocations
The Polish army started building a fence on the Polish-Belarusian border.
Zełenski w Waszyngtonie. Czy powstanie wschodnioeuropejska platforma polityczna?
…minister zdrowia zawarł też szereg umów o kooperacji w sektorze farmaceutycznym, a sam Prezydent przedstawił pierwszego dnia swej wizyty ambitny plan nazwany - A Greater Justice and Opportunity — Building…
NASZ WYWIAD. Prof. Krasnodębski: Obserwujemy pewnie schyłek amerykańskiej hegemonii, więc zbliżamy się do czasu chaosu
Te idee, że wchodzi się do danego kraju, żeby budować demokrację, żeby budować wręcz naród (nation building), to jest tragiczne przecenianie własnych sił.