Armin Van Buuren zapowiada nowy album. Okładkę "Embrace" stworzył wybitny reżyser
Dowodem na to, jest nominacja GRAMMY ® dla singla „This Is What It Feels Like”, z gościnnym udziałem Trevora Guthrie.
List do ambasadora Mulla. "Wzywamy do przeprosin zniesławionego narodu polskiego i jasnego, jednoznacznego określenia kto był sprawcą Holokaustu"
That’s what people do. “ Co po polsku znaczy: „W ich mniemaniu mordercy i ich wspólnicy z Niemiec, Polski, Węgier i wielu, wielu innych miejsc nie zrobili czegoś złego.
Żądamy kategorycznego zakazu wydania polskich wiz "Nocnym Wilkom"
If the said visas have already been issued, we demand to cancel them and disclose which Polish consulate had issued them and on what basis. We expect resolute steps in this affair.
71-latek oczarował jurorów „Must be the music”. Zapendowska: „To jest coś pięknego!”
Włodzimierz Bugzel przezwyciężył tremę i zaprezentował to, na co publiczność i jurorzy zawsze liczą najbardziej – piękny śpiew. 71-latek zaśpiewa słynną piosenkę legendarnego Louisa Armstronga „What A…
Wyobrażam sobie, co stałoby się, gdyby ulubieniec salonów Adam Darski vel Nergal — spalił Koran, z okrzykiem „żryjcie to gówno”
Zachowuje się, jakby miał misję do spełnienia, na koniec wciska broszurkę „What is islam ”. Ale naprawdę dziwnie poczułam się następnego dnia, gdy na chwilę znów tu zajrzeliśmy.
"Co naprawdę powiedział papież", czyli o zmianie, którą trzeba dostrzec, i której nie przykryją sztuczki interpretacyjne ani oskarżenia
When this decreases, the other extreme happens, like what is happening in Italy. „ Three per couple” - a nie „At least three per couple”.
Owsiak ujawnia źródło inspiracji? „To taki mój osobisty diabełek, który potrafi podtrzymać na duchu”
…„Do What You Will” to hasło, które jeden z największych satanistów, nazywający samego siebie „wielką bestią 666”, wymalował na drzwiach swojej satanistycznej komuny we Włoszech.
Marsze uliczne opozycji jako zagrożenie demokracji? A jak to się robi za granicą?
Na jednym z banerów – napis: ”What a government does, a street un-does” (”Co uchwali rząd, obali ulica”).
"Protasieewicz! Protasiuniuniu! Aale im wyga...-wygarnales! Twooje zdrowie...!" - felieton Klasera
Pytałem go >>Do you know what is Auschwitz?<<” - zrela…, zrelasjo, zrenasjolował, eee, opowieedział póóźniej „Wyborowej”.
OUR INTERVIEW. Gliński responds to the "FAZ" attacks: These are lies used for political struggle
…What are these reforms based on? When it comes to the area of culture, it is a very sensitive issue because culture must be pluralistic, largely open and free.
Warsaw has lost the fortune equivalent to the cost of building 40 metro stations
…What is more, as regards payment of damages in connection with reprivatization, the total amount in the years 2003-2016 amounted to PLN 1.18 billion, of which PLN 1.14 billion was paid during the Hanna…
Poland shocked after the words of the leader of Civic Platform (PO/EPP), who uses the language associated with Nazism and compares opponents to vermin
…right-wing supporter who kicked a leftist in „Studio Polska” TVP; before he did so he had heard a lot from his authorities), if verbal escalation, even instrumental one continues (because Schetyna said what…
Blow struck straight to the heart of the opposition. Professor Kołodko: "The budget situation is even better than what the government had assumed"
Many of us economists, including those who know what they are talking about, predicted that the budget situation would be more tense than it is.
Here is a brief reminder of how the government of Donald Tusk treated journalists
Fortunately, the present situation is very different from what it was then. What they’re getting is nothing compared to what had happened to us. There is no such a thing as convenient covert tapes.
"Our world is full of threats. Every time a temptation of a concert of powers is born, the global stability is undermined"
…What it means is that the states which have an advantage, in terms of potential and power, should not deprive others of their equal right to independence and subjectivity.
President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
…What are your remarks about the discussions with the American side, including the most important - President Donald Trump? You have submitted an offer of setting up “Fort Trump” in Poland.
OPINION. Jan Pospieszalski: Absurdity of gender studies and a well set trap
The scientists’ method was that they deliberately introduced absurd assumptions, for example what would happen if we trained men like dogs, to prevent women from being raped by them. (…) In the feminist…
OPINION. The courts were to prevent the reconstruction of Poland. Their reform had to trigger an attack so that Poland would not get out of the nets
Not all the lawyers rebelling in Poland, especially judges, need to be aware of what is going on, but the leaders of these circles are fully aware.
What was the purpose of Schetyna visiting Merkel? Czarnecki: "We are actually facing discussions regarding support for the action of overthrowing the government". OUR INTERVIEW
…What in your opinion is a real purpose of this visit?…
Jonny Daniels: I would like to make this very clear - the hatred is present on both sides
…What is happening? Someone has cut the tires on your car; you are also getting threats. In fact, one can also speak of a specific campaign in social media.