Neo-PK ws. okoliczności zatrzymania posła Mateckiego. "Prokuratura nie odpowiada za sposób zatrzymania"; "To była decyzja ABW"
…(…) Jest to materiał dowodowy, wynikający z zeznań świadków, z oględzin telefonów, m. in. grupa za What’s uppie, na której wprost z innymi osobami umawiał się w jaki sposób utrudniać to postępowanie”…
Tusk's acrobatics after a journalist's question about his words on Trump and his ‘’acting as an agent‘’
…What’s more, Prime Minister Donald Tusk has shown that he also has nothing clever to say, if only about the former head of the Ministry of Defence, because as it happens, the state-of-the-art Western weapons…
Brudziński: "We won't be fooled today. You were a very poor president; perhaps the worst"
Cost of living is rising and, what’s worse, it will continue to rise, because the left-liberal establishment prefers to remain in the soteriological delusion that it will save the planet with its climate…
PIOTR ROSIK. Gigantów skok na finanse? "Dużo się w tym roku dzieje na rynku finansowym"
Raport firmy Cornerstone Advisors „What’s Going On in Banking” pokazuje, że już teraz dwie trzecie amerykańskich banków i kas pożyczkowych korzysta z usług w chmurze.
Prezydent USA i światowe gwiazdy popkultury składają hołd Tinie Turner. "Absolutna legenda na scenie". Wpis opublikowała także NASA
…dorobek piosenkarki - która zdobyła 12 nagród Grammy i była jedyną kobietą, która zdobyła je w trzech różnych kategoriach - oraz jej „legendarne” występy taneczne a także hity „Proud Mary”, „The Best” i „What’s…
Wyciek ściśle tajnych dokumentów z Pentagonu jako rezultat systemu stworzonego przez amerykańską armię
No właśnie: What’s the problem?…
Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: There is no Tusk effect, it's pure nonsense, spin, and PR. "He himself is like a grumbling Smurf Grouchy".
So what’s the cure? PREMIER MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI: The cure is to remind people of the truth. The theses made by Mr Tusk are all lies.
W Chinach wybuchły masowe protesty! Mieszkańcy mają dość surowych restrykcji covidowych i chcą odsunięcia od władzy Xi Jinpinga
…i świecili latarkami telefonów komórkowych, by oddać cześć ofiarom pożaru w Urumczi – wynika z doniesień w chińskiej sieci społecznościowej Weibo, zebranych przez portal What’s on Weibo.
O tym nagraniu głośno! Brutalność holenderskiej policji wobec obywateli. "Co na to komisarz Timmermans i premier Rutte?". WIDEO
…„ W Holandii, demokracja kwitnie jak tulipany”; „Praworządność w Holandii aż bije po oczach”; „What’s up with your democracy?”…
People, war and mathematics. The case of Bolshevik prisoners in the year 1920
…What’s even more important, is the fact that those Red Army soldiers, in contrast to the victims of Katyń, were not shot in Poland but died due to an epidemic or hunger.
“Polish-Jewish Studies”, the latest periodical of the Institute of National Remembrance, presented at a press conference
…publications devoted to the topic have been released worldwide, and some of them left a great impact in the academic world; we realise that this period in the history of our country is discussed abroad, and what’s…
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the "Freedom and Independence" (WiN)
…What’s more, due to that order, masses of Home Army soldiers were not automatically engaged in an organised resistance against the new power and the post-war underground became so varied.
The Ministry of the Environment is declaring "war" against anyone who trash in the forest. The fine was increased from 500 PLN to 5 thousand PLN
We all want clean forests, not scattered rubbish, bottles and - what’s worse - larger ones, such as tyres — said the minister.
Orbán on European Christian Democrats: "First we become centrists, then liberals and finally left-wingers"
…What’s the point of being such a politician? So if we don’t say it and open a new chapter, we’ll keep moving left, in a liberal direction.
Więźniowie stanu wojennego piszą do liderów unijnych instytucji: Wyrażamy oburzenie z powodu obojętności na sytuację we Francji
We cannot be silent about what’s happening in France, and we demand a reaction from Mr.
In the latest issue of the weekly "Sieci": Paedophile scandals are coming to light. Will the conspiracy of silence be broken?
He co-created „Rainbow Music-Box” and „What’s being played?”. He is the head of the Rainbow Foundation supporting musically gifted children. As Zielke says, Sadowski is extremely influential.
Eurovision aroused a wave of comments on the Internet. Many Twitter users did not hide their indignation
…What’s coming next year? I dread to think. Tłum. K.J.
OPINION. The courts were to prevent the reconstruction of Poland. Their reform had to trigger an attack so that Poland would not get out of the nets
Now one can observe what’s been predictable, but one could also have had some illusions that the machine would not have moved with full force.
Where do the attacks on the prime minister come from? Piotrowicz for wPolsce.pl: "This hard-hitting approach was adopted after Schetyna's visit to Merkel"
…What’s more, the closer we get to implementing our electoral provisions on issues important to Poles, the stronger the attacks, and mainly from the German media — said Stanisław Piotrowicz.
Blow struck straight to the heart of the opposition. Professor Kołodko: "The budget situation is even better than what the government had assumed"
…What’s more, the government itself should be surprised by the results of its actions.