MP Stanisław Piotrowicz stated in an interview with that media attacks on Prime Minister Morawiecki only testify to the fact that the Law and Justice (PiS) are approaching the full implementation of electoral provisions.
I think all the pieces fit together. What’s more, the closer we get to implementing our electoral provisions on issues important to Poles, the stronger the attacks, and mainly from the German media
— said Stanisław Piotrowicz.
The MP added that people who read newspapers often do not realize that these newspapers are German.
It is necessary that the information that Onet and other portals are also German portals has finally reached out to the people. And please note that this hard-hitting approach was adopted particularly after Schetyna’s visit to Chancellor Merkel noticed Piotrowicz.
He added that Germany pursues its foreign policy primarily through the media.
And this is realized through the domestic media, as well as abroad, as it is in the case of Poland. We quite clearly have to acknowledge that 80 percent of media in Poland belongs to foreign capital, mainly German and Swiss-German. So the question arises, why are these foreign media installed in Poland? Do these media care about our affairs, the affairs of the Poles or do they pursue their own interests?
— asked the MP.
I have no doubt about it. Because when Poland was being stolen away and when the constitution was being broken, these media were not heard in Poland. Only now, when the government of the United Right takes care of Polish linters and conducts a sovereign policy on the international arena, attacks from the EU institutions and the German media have increased
— added Piotrowicz.
According to the MP, the closer they get to the goal, the more these media unveil its true nature.
These aggressive attacks from the German media make us realize that we are very close to the goal
— said Piotrowicz.
Tłum. KJ
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