Until recently, the Eurovision contest was associated with music. It is known that songs were sometimes better and sometimes worse. However, what we could see during yesterday’s performances showed that music is the last place there.
An example is the performance of Dana International - the transsexual winner of the 43rd Eurovision Song Contest in 1998. During the performance, the producers showed couples kissing in the audience. Perhaps it was intended to strengthen the song’s message, because it quickly turned into… an LGBT festival!! The audience could see gay couples kissing in the audience.
This is just one of many examples, but the whole Eurovision aroused a wave of comments on the Internet. Many Twitter users did not hide their indignation.
Here are some sample voices:
Eurovision in short: Men are licking in the audience, live close-ups. The host is talking about his sexuality.
Australia, Greece, Serbia. #Eurovision Three beautiful, well singing Women. And our lovely ladies from #Tulia. It’s pretty good. But then comes some unobvious gender figure with the promotion of this type of experiments. The madness of political correctness, which I do not understand.
This bizarre show goes beyond all the limits of decency! Transvestites, imitating hell costumes, kissing gays in public - these are just a sample for yesterday’s „thrills”. What’s coming next year? I dread to think.
Tłum. K.J.
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