NASZ WYWIAD. Królikowska-Avis: Mamy tę przewagę, że wiemy, co wdrożono na Zachodzie, i widzimy, jakie to poczyniło spustoszenia
Amerykańska i polska Konstytucja oraz brytyjskie Prime Minister’s Questions, to były te kolejne puzzle, które składały się na obraz formy ustrojowej zwanej demokracją – i jak dotąd, nikt inny nie wymyślił…
Leaders of EU conservative parties meet in Warsaw. "To work for the renaissance of the European right"
The event was attended, among others, by President of Law and Justice party Jarosław Kaczyński, Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki and Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán.
Frontex, Turkey, a barrier at the border? How many migrants wanted to return to their countries? Interesting threads in the Prime Minister's speech at the Parliament
There are 1,800 people in detention centres for foreigners and about 300 of them have decided to return to their home country, we provide them with a plane, a ticket and a „good layette” - informed Prime…
Five reasons why the Warsaw conference of European conservatives came under such furious attack
The alleged isolation is an obvious lie, as Prime Minister Morawiecki has recently proved in meetings with eleven leaders in six days.
Myśleliście, że potraficie „drzeć ryja”? Myliliście się. W Gdańsku nauczą was, jak robić to profesjonalnie
I to wcale nie jest prima aprilis. Wszystko w ramach „Otwartego konkursu ofert na realizację zadań miasta Gdańska na rok 2021 - domy i kluby sąsiedzkie”.
The new law on defence of the homeland. Deputy Prime Minister Kaczyński: A state lying on the border of NATO and the EU should possess a significant power of deterrence
…lies on the border of NATO and the EU should ensure that it possesses a significant military deterrent force and the ability to defend itself effectively for a longer period of time - stated Deputy Prime…
The first Polish tank drivers have left for the US on training. The head of the Ministry of Defence: We have started preparations to receive Abrams tanks
The purchase of Abrams for the Polish army The purchase of 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks in the latest SEPv3 version from the US was announced in July by Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński and the head of…
Poczta Polska będzie obsługiwać dostawy w Amazon Prime
Amazon poinformował, że od wtorku wprowadza w Polsce usługę Amazon Prime, oferując szybkie i darmowe dostawy, obejmujące produkty w ponad 30 kategoriach – od artykułów sportowych, elektroniki, kosmetyków i książek, po smartfony i zabawki.
Jacek Karnowski: We should not forget Saakashvili."He is getting weaker every day and has suffered four critical situations while in detention"
The police would then have to detain him, and one version involved the liquidation of several opposition leaders to shift responsibility to the authorities — says Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili…
The Polish army is to consist eventually of 250,000 professional soldiers and 50,000 volunteer auxiliary forces
The country, which lies on the border of NATO and the EU, must possess a significant power of deterrence and the possibility of effective self-defence for a longer period of time — said Deputy Prime Minister…
EXCLUSIVELY. Can Poland give in to the EU? Jacek Saryusz-Wolski: There is nothing to give way in; we cannot go backwards
…(…) Past experience shows that when we raise our tone, they lower it - I mean the Prime Minister’s speech in Parliament, and then the summit, and then the interview in the Financial Times.
Jeszcze jedna śmierć parlamentarzysty w Wielkiej Brytanii. To jeszcze jeden dowód, że demokracji nie można spuszczać z oka
A aktualny prime minister Boris Johnson i marszałek Izby Gmin sir Lindsey Hoyle pisali: „W ten straszny czas nasze myśli są z Davidem Amessem i jego rodziną.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
He replied: Let me put it this way: we have had talks among the most important people in the state responsible for security - I am talking both about Prime Minister Morawiecki and Prime Minister Kaczynski…
Powerful statement from the Prime Minister in Slovenia: We do not want to be taught by anyone from Western Europe what democracy is
…Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki attending the Strategic Forum in Bled, Slovenia, said that Poland, the Czech Republic or Hungary were all founded before 1,100 years and some democratic institutions have…
Gliński: We won't be pushed out of the EU. "We demand a partnership within the European Union - this is guaranteed to us by the European Treaty"
Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński in an interview with Jacek and Michał Karnowski („We won’t be pushed out of the Union”) refers to the recent decision of the European Commission, which demands penalties…
Grupa LOTOS zaprasza na 46. Festiwal Polskich Filmów Fabularnych
Kocha, kradnie, szanuje, Powrót do Legolandu, Prime Time, Przejście, Sonata, Śmierć Zygielbojma, Wszystkie nasze strachy, Zupa nic, Żeby nie było śladów .
Why is Budapest becoming 'our home' for the conservative elites of the Western world
In a nutshell: the Hungarian prime minister believes that in the Western cultural circle today there is a conflict between democracy and liberalism.
WYWIAD "SIECI". Mariusz Pilis: Program, jakiego jeszcze nie było. "Każdy jest realizowany w innej formie"
Mariusz Pilis: Pierwszy odcinek naszego cyklu będziemy mogli obejrzeć 21 września o godz. 21.00, czyli w prime timie. Założenie jest takie, że nasze dokumenty będą się pojawiały co wtorek.
The government introduced a state of emergency at the border with Belarus. But what does this actually involve?
This will allow us to seal our border and prevent provocations more effectively — informed Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at a press conference.
Evacuations from Afghanistan. The Prime Minister has given more details. How many people is Poland helping to bring in?
It will perhaps amount to around 100 people whom we will assist in evacuating — said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday in Żabia Wola.