Bielan: Ukraine's wounds will scar generations
…„Let us not forget the tremendous costs Ukraine has been paying for standing against Russia for Europe’s security: Bucha’s horrors, far over 10,000 civilian deaths, the tremendous military losses, 10 million…
The address of President Duda. ‘Poles deserve to have their concerns taken seriously’
Many forget that Poland is over 1050 years of great history. And there is a good future ahead of us, despite the enormous challenges, I deeply believe it. God bless Poland! — concluded the President.
Stirring words from the wives of Wąsik and Kaminski during the "Free Poles Protest"! "They are moving like a steamroller. I fear for my husband"
…see our husbands home today, tomorrow at the latest, but please, ladies and gentlemen, this is not the end of the story, because we don’t really know when they will be released from prison, we can’t forget…
TOP 10 quotes from President Andrzej Duda's interview for "Sieci" and wPolityce.pl. "The line of the rule of law - I will never allow it to be crossed"
Politicians too often forget this. 3. „Donald Tusk is not my candidate for prime minister.” I said that two candidates were presented to me during the consultations held at the presidential palace.
Politicians and journalists pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II at her death. „It is the end of a certain era"; "A strong and extraordinary woman".
…#QueenElizabeth „ My country will never forget the courage of the Polish pilots, one of those few to whom, as Churchill rightly said, so much was owed.
The Deputy President of the IPN paid tribute to the victims of the Volhynia Massacre
…largely thanks to her efforts that these people were finally given a dignified burial.While paying tribute to those who lost their lives at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists, it is important not to forget…
Starstreak w akcji. Ukraińcy zestrzelili rosyjski śmigłowiec przy pomocy brytyjskiego systemu. Pierwszy znany taki przypadek!
W przeciwieństwie do innych pocisków przeciwlotniczych, nie jest to system typu „fire and forget”.
RELACJA. 38. dzień wojny na Ukrainie. Wiceminister obrony: Cały obwód kijowski jest już wolny od rosyjskich okupantów
W przeciwieństwie do innych pocisków przeciwlotniczych, nie jest to system typu „fire and forget”.
Jacek Karnowski: We should not forget Saakashvili."He is getting weaker every day and has suffered four critical situations while in detention"
This politician in particular deserves to be treated with dignity and honesty. Also on account of his work for Georgia.
Lis broni katolików? Seria zaskakujących tweetów naczelnego "Newsweeka": "Brak szacunku dla ich uczuć to prezent dla PiS"
W Polsce możesz być niewierzący- no problem, ale jeśli katolicy uznają, że ich nie szanujesz, patrzysz na nich z góry i z antypatią, to forget it.
Uwaga! Sygnalista nadaje! Nieoficjalny przegląd tygodnia w polskiej polityce od lewicy do prawicy
W Polsce możesz być niewierzący – no problem, ale jeśli katolicy uznają, że ich nie szanujesz, patrzysz na nich z góry i z antypatią, to forget it Lewicowi liberałowie z „Newsweeka” też mają w tej sferze…
EXCLUSIVELY. Jaki: Poland should have claimed reparations from Germany a long time ago. Its absence will affect the next generations
We cannot simply forget what happened then. It is affecting everything that is happening in Poland today.
As many as 25 Pauline Fathers infected in the Jasna Góra Monastery. They have been praying for Poland and for us every day; it is our turn now to pray for them
The most important are, of course, the power of the Image and the spiritual strength of the Paulines, what matters is the historical context; but let us not forget their dedication, their work, and their…
Wielki sukces Michała Kwiatkowskiego! Polski kolarz zwycięzcą 18. etapu Tour de France. "To dla fanów, którzy nigdy nie przestali wierzyć"
This is for the team This is for my family This is for those fans, who never stop believing This is something I will never forget Thanks.
Ambassador Knot: "As Poles defended their country… Soviet forces attacked from the East"
And we must never forget the staggering losses suffered by Poland. That Poland was a victim of both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union is undeniable. — he added.
"Europe, you owe your freedom to a Polish soldier, you must never forget about it"
Europe, you owe your freedom to a Polish soldier, you must never forget about it — said Jan Józef Kasprzyk, the head of the Office for War Veterans and Repressed Persons, at the Polish Honorary Military…
Celebrations commemorating the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II - Warsaw, 1 September 2019
The German President vowed his country would never forget the atrocities of the Nazi period as he asked forgiveness from Poland during a series of commemorative events to mark the 80th anniversary of the…
EXCUSIVELY. Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: We are still awaiting the apology from Israel Katz
A few hours after he took office, he said, referring to words attributed by the Israeli media to Netanyahu: „ (…) Like every Israeli and Jew, I can say: we will not forget and we will not forgive.
An important exhibition of the Ślązacy.pl Foundation. "This is how the Germans murdered the Polish elite in Upper Silesia and the territories incorporated into the Reich”
The aim of the Ślązacy.pl Foundation is, among other things, to commemorate such cards from the history of Silesia and Poland, which many would like to forget or those which have already been forgotten…
Survivor Edward Mosberg awarded Order of Merit from Poland. "What happened to the Jews is German history. You can't blame Poland for that!"
We should not forget that there were no Polish death camps or Polish Holocaust. 30 years ago, in 1968, I walked through Majdanek, Bełżec and other camps. It was not possible to walk through it then.