On May 25th, at the Karmel Social Activity Center in Strzegom, the official opening of the exhibition „Inteligenzaktion” by Łukasz Kobiela, organized by the Ślązacy.pl Foundation, took place.
The participants of the opening of the exhibition had an opportunity to learn more about the preparation of proscription lists by the Germans, German concentration camps in which victims were detained, as well as the course of action against the Polish intelligentsia.
At that time, the Germans planned and methodically implemented the execution of about 50,000 teachers, priests, landowners, members of the liberal professions, social and political activists, and retired military personnel. Another 50,000 were deported to concentration camps, where only a small percentage survived. Executions were carried out from September 1939 to April 1940 in various regions of Poland.
The exhibition also shows the shocking fate of some of the victims of the German barbarism, including participants of the Silesian uprisings, teachers, doctors, lawyers, clergy and social activists. The exhibition is supplemented by charts devoted to German concentration camps in Dachau, Mauthausen-Gusen, and Auschwitz - places of detention for extermination victims.
The exhibition has so far been presented at the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, the Silesian Voivodship Office in Katowice, the Opole Voivodship Office, Bielsko Biała, and Piekary Śląskie. At the beginning of April, the exhibition was presented abroad for the first time in Essen, Germany.
Our aim is to save from oblivion those who have suffered the sacrifice of their lives at the hands of the German occupier
— said Dr. Andrzej Krzystyniak.
The aim of the Ślązacy.pl Foundation is, among other things, to commemorate such cards from the history of Silesia and Poland, which many would like to forget or those which have already been forgotten. Forcing these facts out of memory certainly does not serve the purpose of reconciliation between nations and building the future together.
That is why it is worth supporting the initiatives undertaken by the Foundation: Bank PEKAO S.A. 81 1240 1330 1111 0010 7236 3880 Ślązacy.pl Foundation
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/449369-this-is-how-the-germans-murdered-the-polish-elite