In the latest issue of "Sieci": The mystery of Tomasz Szmydt's escape. We uncover the goals of the activity of the fugitive judge to Belarus
Moreover, the weekly also contains commentaries on current events by Krzysztof Feusette, Dorota Łosiewicz, Samuel Pereira, Bronisław Wildstein, Marta Kaczyńska-Zielińska, Wojciech Reszczyński, Aleksander…
Five key lessons learned from the local elections. "You can see this fear in the eyes of Tusk and others".
The second round of local elections at the level of the larger (former provincial and current provincial) cities brought no change.
EXCLUSIVELY: Attack on the president of the NBP. Jacek Sasin: I am absolutely convinced that Tusk has promised in Berlin Poland's entry into the euro
…minister is absolutely convinced that the sole purpose of Tusk’s actions is to fulfil the promises he had made in Berlin about bringing Poland into the euro zone, which would be catastrophic in the current…
Jaroslaw Kaczynski: My brother's line of action was to try to rebuild Polish patriotism, i.e. the strength of the Polish nation
Announcement of the Great March on 10 May The President of the Law and Justice party encouraged those gathered to look at the current reality.
ECR Group backs increase in EU budget to support Ukraine
The current review actually came at a favourable time, but we missed the opportunity.”…
What is the situation in Poland? Tusk's government is forcibly suppressing public media that are critical of him. They simply cut off the legitimate media from broadcasting
The current parliamentary majority does not have the power - nor the consent of the president - to change this law.
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
An important context is the de facto support of Tusk’s lawlessness in Poland by current Ambassador Marek Brzezinski, who, by engaging politically so unilaterally, is also stepping out of his role in diplomacy…
Tusk speaking enigmatically in Berlin on reparations. "I would like to look to the future"; "I don't want to create a front of mutual resentment out of this matter"
On top of that, his words about wanting to look ahead make it even clearer to the Germans that with the current Polish government, the topic of reparations will not be undertaken seriously. Tłum. K.J.
OUR NEWS. Law and Justice is making things more dynamic in Europe. Staff changes, new strategy. In the background, new movements in the EU and Trump
An important context is the de facto support of Tusk’s lawlessness in Poland by current Ambassador Marek Brzezinski, who, by engaging politically so unilaterally, is also stepping out of his role in diplomacy…
EXCLUSIVELY. Szydło: PO was supported not only by social media haters, but manifestations inspired by them
…at the moment, but such a debate would probably be necessary, and we should consider the situation on the Polish political scene in general, how to break out of this deadlock and the chaos that the current…
New EU taxes, migration and treaty changes were topics of Morawiecki's talks in Brussels. "Centralization is a road to nowhere"
Migration pact Mateusz Morawiecki stressed that one of the main differences between the Law and Justice party and Donald Tusk’s current ruling camp is the attitude toward illegal migration.
European Union seeks death of family farming for ideological reasons. "Farmers are the past, migrants are the future"
…subsidies to individual farmers rather than to industrial farmers (with a much higher rate per hectare for small farms than for huge ones), to provide subsidies so that organic farming can expand in its current…
German campaign against the construction of the port in Świnoujście. Jablonski: There will be blockades by ecologists and activists because it's all about hard business
The investment is likely to be stopped by Donald Tusk’s current ruling team. German ecologists, local governments and, above all, the rival port of Hamburg do not want it.
The most important conclusion of the past seven weeks: Law and Justice has stood its ground, but must be ready for the coming waves of illegality and violence
Given the Brussels-Berlin centralization plans, the German determination to cement their influence in our homeland and the internal resources of the current government the use of violence in politics will…
Everything we have done for Ukraine, we have done justly. If there is anything we regret today, it is the price Ukrainians will pay for their current illusions
So if there is anything we regret today, it is the price Ukrainians will pay for Zelensky’s current illusions. He wants to secure the sovereignty of his homeland with Germany? Once again?…
Zagrożenia dla Polski w strefie euro. Nasza gospodarka wychodzi dopiero z rozwoju zależnego, potrzebny jest czas
Mierzone to jest procentowym udziałem różnych sektorów w całkowitej wartości dodanej (gross value added at current basic prices).
NASZ WYWIAD. Łukasz Sakowski: Woke aktywiści próbują mnie zniszczyć, bo jestem symbolem tego, że zmiana płci nie pomaga
Jeżeli ci ludzie uważają, że Instytut Karolinska w Szwecji, albo Francuska Akademia Medyczna czy brytyjski NHS są instytucjami prawicowymi, podobnie jak np. naukowe czasopisma „Current Sexual Health Reports…
OUR ANALYSIS. He is not into economy, he does not understand geopolitics, and he is definitely not a hardworking man. Why is Donald Tusk going to be a bad prime minister?
In the current difficult times, there are FIVE AREAS in which Tusk ought to perform brilliantly.
Election results give PiS most seats, but short of majority
Five seats in the upper house were also won by independents who agreed to work with the current opposition.
RELACJA. 633. dzień wojny. ISW: rosyjskie wojska poczyniły postępy pod Awdijiwką, ukraińskie - pod Bachmutem
Nie odbywają się w takim wymiarze, jak wcześniej” - powiedział Petro Jacenko z ukraińskiego sztabu koordynacyjnego ds. jeńców wojennych telewizji Current Time, związanej z Radiem Wolna Europa.