The 'abduction of Europa' by the European Parliament
…the deliberations on the report following the very one-sided, federalist Conference on the Future of Europe have been largely under the radar of public awareness, the ECR Group is now warning citizens about…
TOP 10 quotes from President Andrzej Duda's interview for "Sieci" and wPolityce.pl. "The line of the rule of law - I will never allow it to be crossed"
On the one hand we hear beautiful-sounding slogans about democracy; on the other hand there is a specific form of revenge being implemented - against the United Right, against Elżbieta Witek, against Marek…
EXCLUSIVELY. The success of Wilders' party in the Netherlands. Klynstra-Komarnicki: It's as if the Confederation suddenly became the largest party in Poland
And Timmermans comments about Wilders are more or less like Tusk’s comments about Kaczynski. Timmermans has moved on to proclaiming opposition slogans, which means that democracy must be defended.
OUR ANALYSIS. He is not into economy, he does not understand geopolitics, and he is definitely not a hardworking man. Why is Donald Tusk going to be a bad prime minister?
He even entrusted a matter as crucial as the new gas contract with the Russians to Waldemar Pawlak for implementation, although (despite his denials) he kept himself informed about it.
Ależ przestrzelił! Rok temu Petru "przepowiedział"... inflację na poziomie 25 proc.! "Powtarzam: 25 proc.!". Czy już o tym zapomniał?
Let me think about it. Trzeba jednak oddać Ryszardowi Petru tę sprawiedliwość, że mylił się nie tylko on. Często zdarzało się to nawet jego mistrzowi - Leszkowi Balcerowiczowi.
Ruling party launches plan to revitalise prefabricated residential blocks. "Over 8 million Poles live there"
The blocks, made of large prefabricated slabs of concrete, are found in just about every Polish town and are synonymous with post-war communist-era housing.
WOT - just how easy it is for some politicians to spoil success. "It is a profoundly wrong move to contrast the WOT with other types of armed forces"
Donald Tusk’s words about the Territorial Defence Forces (WOT) being a „para-military” are a very bad omen.
Letter by the President of the Institute of National Remembrance to German ministries. "An offer to conduct educational activities"
In his letter, Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D. expressed his concern about the behaviors appearing in the public space of the Federal Republic of Germany using the symbols of the Third Reich, which is evidence of…
An exhibition dedicated to the Ulma family was opened in Warsaw, 21 August 2023. "Poles Saving Jews in World War II"
Read more about the Ulma family - Poles Saving Jews in World War II Source: IPN…
Visa scandal is something 'made up' by opposition says dep minister. "A lie, lie and, for the third time, a lie
But speaking to Polish Radio 24 Pawel Jablonski sought to downplay the extent of the scandal. „ On the one hand we hear the voices of opposition politicians who speak about several thousand visas, about…
The film "Chłopi" ("The Peasants") conquering the world. The film was made using the technique of painting animation
It is a timeless story about love and desire, consuming the inhabitants of a small rural community, where everyone has a clearly defined place, and any attempt to stray beyond the imposed framework carries…
German plan to honour Poles killed in WWII may prove empty, says official. "It was a period of cruel crimes calculated to destroy the Polish nation"
According to Zaryn, one should talk about German crimes in 1939-45 and not as one of many different periods of Polish-German relations. „ No!…
Everything we have done for Ukraine, we have done justly. If there is anything we regret today, it is the price Ukrainians will pay for their current illusions
So is it about the few euros more per tonne that can be earned by dropping a load in Poland? More likely it is about the elections in Poland.
'Raport Pileckiego' is entering cinemas. "An extraordinary biography"
In other words, the film is a memorable and reflective story about an extraordinary man - an Auschwitz volunteer” — says Dr.
Beatyfikacja rodziny Ulmów. Szefowa KPRP: Ta rodzina jest niezwykła. Chcemy opowiedzieć ich historię Polsce i światu. Są powodem do dumy
…„Not Only About the Ulmas. Assistance Offered on Polish Territory to Jewish People During the German Occupation 1939–1945”.
Poland demands Belarus urgently explain airspace violation. "We call on to stop all provocations"
Nato was informed about the incident, the MoD said.
UJAWNIAMY. Fundacja z USA dotuje polskie NGOsy. Wcześniej próbowała wpłynąć na wybory we Włoszech i na Węgrzech
W styczniu tego roku, portal „About Hungary” przypomniał o skandalu, który wzbudził wiele emocji wśród Madziarów i dotyczył m.in. amerykańskiej fundacji.
Warsaw Uprising commemorations held in Polish capital. "Above all it was a fight "between good and evil."
During the fighting in Warsaw, about 18,000 insurgents lost their lives and 25,000 were wounded. Losses among the civilian population were huge and amounted to approx. 180,000.
ECR: Time to suspend agreement with Cuban regime. "Sooner or later, the necessary changes towards the democratisation of Cuba will take place"
Therefore, I am not surprised by the appalling information about political murders committed by the communist regime in Cuba, which unfortunately reminds me of cases from the past in Poland under communism…
PiS leading, KO coming second, but both groups are losing. The Confederation, which has 14 percent support, is gaining. What's the number of parties in the Parliament?
What about the other parties?…