In September, „Raport Pileckiego” directed by Krzysztof Łukasiewicz - one of the most desired films of Polish cinematography - will be released in cinemas. The Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych (Documentary and Feature Films Studio) was responsible for the production of the work, with a co-production by Polish Television, and among the institutions that supported the production, the Polish National Foundation made the largest financial contribution.
„Four years ago, the PFN became involved in the film production of The Pilecki Report because its idea expresses our main goals - the introduction of historical, fundamental issues, into a relevant, international public discourse. Rotmistrz Witold Pilecki in the Polish awareness is a hero on a par with ancient heroes. His extraordinary biography, of a man who fought against two totalitarianisms of the 20th century, is becoming recognisable in Poland and abroad thanks to historical policy.
The film ‘Pilecki’s Report’ is an attempt to present the hero, the martyr, also in his private life, through the prism of a loving husband and father. Our mutual goal is to show the Rotmistrz not only as a patriot, but also as an example of love for family. In other words, the film is a memorable and reflective story about an extraordinary man - an Auschwitz volunteer”
— says Dr. Marcin Zarzecki, Chairman of the Board of the Polish National Foundation, which supported the creation of the film. The production has also received funding from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Polish Film Institute. „Pilecki’s Report” is not the first film work branded by the foundation. PFN has been supporting Polish cinematography for years, focusing on historical films. This has included such productions as: „Filip”, „Death of Zygielbojm” and „Orlęta. Grodno ‘39’, or the emerging ‘Czerwone Maki’ and ‘Skarbek’ (The Partisan), however, it is ‘Raport Pileckiego’ that represents the culmination of the filmmaking efforts made so far.
„I am delighted that such a film has been made and that we, as the Polish National Foundation, have been able to contribute to its realisation. Undoubtedly, it is a much-needed and much-anticipated film. On the one hand, that is good, because it lends meaning to our work and what we do at the Foundation, but on the other hand, it is clear that high expectations are usually also accompanied by high demands.
Certainly, it is not a film that is light, easy and pleasant, because it is not that kind of a topic either. „Pilecki’s Report” touches upon difficult topics, often those that have been swept under the carpet for decades. It is worth remembering, however, that the story of Pilecki is ready material for not one, but several action films. The idea behind the production of the film was to show Pilecki not only as a famous rotamaster and fighter for freedom, but also as a man of flesh and blood, an affectionate husband and father”
— emphasises PFN Vice-President Michał Góras, who, on the Foundation’s part, was responsible for supervising the production of the film.
The titular report is a reference to one of the most daring deeds of the Rotmistrz - infiltration as a volunteer into the German concentration camp in Auschwitz and its thorough infiltration, crowned later by a spectacular escape. The evidence gathered by Pilecki during his 947 days of captivity allowed the unimaginable scale of the crime that took place behind the camp’s walls to be made public.
The role of the film’s Rotmistrz was played by Przemysław Wyszyński, who was accompanied on the set by, among others, Paulina Chapko, Marek Jakus, Karol Wróblewski and Paweł Paprocki. Arkadiusz Tomiak PSC was responsible for the film’s cinematography and Joanna Macha and Anna Anosowicz for the set design. A pre-premiere screening of the film took place at the Museum of Victims of Communism in Washington DC on 25 May this year, marking the 75th anniversary of Witold Pilecki’s death at the hands of Communist oppressors. The film will compete for the main prize at this year’s 48th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia in September.
Tłum. K.J.
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