The government responding to the rising incidence of infections!.E-learning in grades 1-3, shopping malls and cultural institutions closed
…conference to stay at home because, as he said, according to the analyses of specialists from the University of Warsaw, every day the increase in the number of infections due to street protests may amount to about…
The Prime Minister informed the members of the local government about the main assumptions of the Government strategy for combating the pandemic
Taking care of the healthcare system, protecting the elderly and keeping the economy as intact as possible -- these are the strategic goals of the Government.
Early footage from the war that would resemble no other
Here is the petite Katherine Hepburn who is about to start a dizzying career. This is the 13th Academy Awards. What is Julien Bryan doing in here?…
OUR INTERVIEW. 15 000 new cases per day is the limit of healthcare capacity? Prof. Ptaszyński: This is our estimate
…(…) The most important thing for us now is that the number of infected people should not increase up to about 15 thousand or more.
The first pictures from the construction of the hospital at the National Stadium! The pace of the works is impressive
We have to think about various situations, including black scenarios, and that is why this kind of facility is being built. said the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.
Snyder pisze o Giertychu i "putinizacji Polski". Zwrócono uwagę na ważny szczegół: "Jakie aresztowanie?". KOMENTARZE
IMO u know nothing about this case. przestrzeń między rzeczywistością a opisem Snydera jest dość pokaźna Panie Profesorze nie został aresztowany!…
The President of the Law and Justice Party firmly on EU interference: "If the threats and blackmails are continued, we will defend the vital interest of Poland. Veto"
When asked about the struggle that Poland is facing “with those who want to impose their values on us as part of the EU or even make us subordinate”, he replied: I will call these actions what they are…
Próba cenzury? Twitter zawiesił oficjalne konto węgierskiego rządu About Hungary. "Bez żadnego ostrzeżenia czy wyjaśnienia"
Twitter bez uprzedzenia zawiesił oficjalne konto rządu węgierskiego About Hungary w tym serwisie społecznościowym – oświadczył w środę rzecznik rządu Zoltan Kovacs w mediach społecznościowych.
M. Karnowski: The Prime Minister convinced the Poles, because he answered the fundamental question: “what has been done to get ready for the second wave?”
For it is clear to everyone that those in power may be mistaken in some decision, because there is no one who would know everything about COVID-19.
Beata Szydło: "LGBT free zones"? This is fake news!
…„ Some MEPs prefer to debate the issue of Poland again, believing fake news about the „LGBT-free zones” instead of solving real problems. Stop that nonsense!”…
Rzecznik rządu: Twitter zawiesił konto rządu węgierskiego
Twitter bez uprzedzenia zawiesił oficjalne konto rządu węgierskiego About Hungary – oświadczył rzecznik rządu Zoltan Kovacs na Facebooku…
The yellow zone across the entire country. Wearing masks becomes compulsory. 38 counties in the red zone. The Prime Minister appeals: Let's follow the rules
We have about 500 free ventilators for people suffering from coronavirus. This represents almost 2/3 of free ventilators. Over 500 are in stock — added the Prime Minister.
Polska nie jest ubogą krewną na garnuszku Unii Europejskiej, a polityka spójności - dobroczynnością
Parlamentu Europejskiego, w dosadny i oparty na faktach sposób uświadamia „bogate kraje”, jak bardzo się mylą co do budżetu UE w artykule opublikowanym na portalu politico.eu („What rich countries wrong about…
As many as 25 Pauline Fathers infected in the Jasna Góra Monastery. They have been praying for Poland and for us every day; it is our turn now to pray for them
In a plethora of information about the coronavirus, this one does not appear to be particularly important: the coronavirus on Jasna Góra. Covid-19 has been detected in 25 Pauline Fathers.
Barley dismissed? Law and Justice MEPs: there is no reason why the EP vice-president should treat two countries with this contempt
Law and Justice MEPs wrote a letter to the President of the European Parliament David Sassooli with regard to the words of EP Vice-Chairwoman Katarina Barley about Poland and Hungary during an interview…
"Solidarity" on the map of the world. "This is what the world looked like in the summer of 1980"
Although the leadership in the Kremlin was concerned about the debts incurred by carefree Gierek, and the resistance of the Polish Church, which still did not accept the geopolitical realities, and also…
President Przyłębska responds to the EP resolution against Poland: Like every EU country we have the right to determine our internal regulations
…country, has the right to determine its internal regulations, including those concerning the reform of the judiciary — stressed the President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska , when asked about…
O winie nie decyduje, co zrobiłeś, ani co powiedziałeś, ale to, kim jesteś. "Takie jest znaczenie i istota czerwonego terroru”
…książek, które przedstawiają punkt widzenia zwolenników ruchu Black Lives Matter, takich jak „White Fragility” Robin DiAngelo, „Racism without Racists” Eduardo Bonilla-Silvy czy „So You Want to Talk about…
Prime Minister on the first anniversary of the late Kornel Morawiecki’s death: there is no greater value than Poland
As Prime Minister emphasised, not only does history affect human fate, but human nature, spirit and will to fight can also affect history. „ When I think about my father’s path, I see that he was seeking…
The head of the Law and Justice club confirms: Everything seems to indicate that Jarosław Kaczyński will join the government as Deputy Prime Minister
In the Parliament, journalists asked the head of the Law and Justice club, Deputy Marshal Ryszard Terlecki, about unofficial reports on the entry of the President of the Law and Justice party, Jarosław…