Further restrictions are highly required. We want to protect the health service, we want to protect the citizens - announced the government. This is a result of the increasing number of cases of Covid-19.
On Wednesday the Ministry of Health reported a record of 24,692 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection. There were 316 more deaths.
It seems that this November will be one of the most difficult months. We are facing an extremely demanding time; the pandemic is escalating, so our reaction must be firm
— said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
An appeal to stay at home
The Prime Minister appealed at the press conference to stay at home because, as he said, according to the analyses of specialists from the University of Warsaw, every day the increase in the number of infections due to street protests may amount to about 5 thousand people.
After a month we may have about 150 thousand more people than we would have if everyone followed these rules, which we set out
— said Mateusz Morawiecki.
Grades 1-3 are going to be taught online. Bonus for teachers
The Prime Minister informed that the government is extending e-leaning also to grades 1-3 of elementary school
Extension of e-learning to grades 1-3 and extension of remote learning for students over 4th grade until the end of November. As of today we set the date for November 29
— said Mateusz Morawiecki.
The Prime Minister indicated that the pre-school care remains unchanged.
To support remote work, we introduce a 500 PLN bonus for teachers for the purchase of accessories necessary for remote work
— marked the Prime Minister.
All institutions that provide cultural services will be temporarily closed
— stressed Mateusz Morawiecki.
The hotel facilities will be made available only for guests on business trips
— indicated the Prime Minister.
There are new restrictions on trade.
In stores below 100 m2, 1 person per 10 m2 will be allowed, and in larger ones, 1 person per 15 m2
— said Mateusz Morawiecki.
Stores in shopping malls will be closed except for grocery stores, pharmacies and chemists
— he informed.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/525147-we-are-facing-an-extremely-demanding-time