Presentation of assumptions of the Government strategy for combating the coronavirus pandemic and discussion of issues related to operation of schools, hospitals and residential care homes – these were the main topics covered during the videoconference held by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with presidents of the largest Polish cities. The meeting was also attended by Voivodes.
The Polish society should unite against the coronavirus
The Prime Minister also summarised the scope of funds directed towards actions related to the fight against the coronavirus.
Today, everyone in Poland must strive to overcome the coronavirus wave as quickly as possible. Taking care of the healthcare system, protecting the elderly and keeping the economy as intact as possible
— these are the strategic goals of the Government.
Meeting with representatives of political groups
The Prime Minister emphasizes the importance of cooperation in combating COVID-19. We support cohesive and joint actions in cooperation with all social and political communities. This is aided, among others, by meetings with representatives of political groups, whom the Head of the Government has invited to talk via a videoconference.
Similar consultations with representatives of parliamentary clubs and groups took place at the beginning of March, on the initiative of the Prime Minister.
New safety rules throughout the country
During the fight against the coronavirus, our responsible behaviour and compliance with applicable restrictions are crucial. Effective 10 October, the entire country is designated a yellow zone, except for poviats designated a red zone.
However, regardless of zones and officially sanctioned restrictions, it is worth to adhere to the DDMA principle in everyday activities. This abbreviation stands for the most important safety rules:
— social Distance (at least 1.5 m from others) — hand Disinfection (wash your hands as often as possible!) — Mask (which protects us and others against transmission of the virus) —the STOP COVID – ProteGO Safe Application, which makes it possible to quickly determine whether we were in contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
The STOP COVID – ProteGO Safe application is fully secure, free and completely optional. The more people use it, the faster and more effectively we can limit the rate and range of the spread of the coronavirus.
Source: KPRM
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