Law and Justice MEPs wrote a letter to the President of the European Parliament David Sassooli with regard to the words of EP Vice-Chairwoman Katarina Barley about Poland and Hungary during an interview with Radio Deutschlandfunk. They pointed out that there had been a breach of the EP’s Rules of Procedure, which is why she should be dismissed from her post.
MEPs report that the letter follows an interview given on 30 September to Radio Deutschlandfunk by European Parliament Vice-President Katarina Barley.
In this interview, Ms Barley, speaking in the context of Poland and Hungary, said: „Wir müssen ihn aushungern finanziell”. The word aushungern, meaning ‘starvation’, is not only inappropriate or thoughtless: it constitutes an inspiring and provocative insult against two nations that have been starved in living memory. Nor can the term ‘finanziell’ decrease the shock that her statement has caused in Poland, Hungary and elsewhere
— they wrote in a letter.
MEPs indicate that so far Barley has refused to apologise for this statement.
Whatever her opinion of the Polish and Hungarian Governments is, the context of her remarks cannot justify her insensitivity and disrespect towards the two nations that suffered throughout most of the 20th century. All Members of the European Parliament are bound by its rules of conduct, including Rule 10(1) of the Rules of Procedure, which states that ‘The conduct of Members shall be characterised by mutual respect and shall be based on the values and principles laid down in the Treaties and in particular in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Members shall respect the dignity of Parliament and shall not damage its reputation’
— they noted in the letter.
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