I have not heard any substantive allegations against Poland in the European Parliament. Poland, as every European Union country, has the right to determine its internal regulations, including those concerning the reform of the judiciary
— stressed the President of the Constitutional Tribunal, Julia Przyłębska, when asked about the recent adoption of a resolution against Poland by the EP on Polish Radio 24.
The President of the Constitutional Tribunal also referred to the accusations of one of the EU Commissioners, who claimed that the Polish Court was ‘politicised’.
These allegations are groundless. The Court is not politicised; the Court is acting in accordance with the Polish Constitution in force. The allegations made do not find any justification
— said Julia Przyłębska, adding that this year 123 constitutional complaints were submitted to the Tribunal.
This indicates that the Court remains trustworthy for the citizens
— she marked.
The increasingly frequent occurrence of judicial activism goes beyond the traditional role of the judiciary, thus creating legal norms. Therefore, it rejects the principles of a democratic state of law
— said the President of CT.
Przyłębska pointed out that, according to the European Treaties, jurisdiction is an exclusive competence of the Member States.
Both the courts and the European Union should not go beyond their competences
— she added.
The judiciary and the Tribunal are completely independent of the executive in Poland. Appointment of judges, both to the Tribunal and to common courts, seems to be more depoliticised than in other European countries
— she stated.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/520141-przylebska-responds-to-the-ep-resolution-against-poland