OUR INTERVIEW. Virusologist: We have no choice but to do what we have to do. The focus has shifted
Can we tell today at what stage of this pandemic we are at? Is this already the peak and from that moment on the number of patients will start to decrease?…
A heartbreaking appeal by the sister of the deceased: Are you bored? My brother would wish to be bored
So remember, you’re not masters of life, respect what you have! — said Grajewska . tłum. K.J.
Kidawa-Błońska: I'm fully suspending my campaign. I'm going to carry out the tasks faced by the Polish MP
I will only deal with what I have been doing so far, i.e.
The coronavirus strikes the budget. Works on the draft amendment are in progress. We know what will happen to the 500 plus
The government is also expecting a global crisis, as Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke quite openly about. In his opinion, the Eurozone will be affected by the recession.
RAPORT ze świata. Ponad 40 tys. zgonów w USA. Protest w Izraelu pomimo koronawirusa. Łukaszenka broni swojej taktyki
Jennifer Lopez zaśpiewała utwór Barbary Streisand „People”, a The Rolling Stones - piosenkę „You Can’t Always Get What You Want”.
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
If it pursues what Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis has declared and what they probably intend to support today: Michel, von der Leyen, Sassoli and Lenarczicz, the heads of all four EU institutions, then…
Empty shelves in the shops? The minister reassures: Poland produces food beyond its needs; there will be no shortage of basic products
People in Poland, for fear of the coronavirus, also buy food, first of all what does not spoil, but - as he said - it is temporary.
President Duda: "I have decided not to organize large meetings in relation to my campaign"
He added that at the meeting in BBN the discussion was about, among others, what countermeasures should be taken to limit further spread of coronavirus as much as possible.
Kołodziejski: Kidawa-Błońska's immigration twists and turns. Why does the PO candidate no longer want to invite refugees to Poland?
…What has happened that Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, an enthusiast of multiculturalism and openness, has suddenly become an opponent of immigrants? The answer to this question is quite simple.
Katyń Massacre - Basic Facts. "Katyn is a symbol of the criminal policy of the Soviet system against the Polish nation"
…What is worth mentioning when it comes to the Katyn lie, is that the territory of Miednoye cemetery has never belonged to Germany30.
Absurdalne tłumaczenia Czuchnowskiego: "Liczyłem, że Patrycja stanie po stronie prawdy". Dziennikarze nie zostawiają na nim suchej nitki
…What?! Dziennikarz nie jest od lubienia a ujawniania prawdy! Nie wierze w to co czytam — napisała Joanna Miziołek.
Orbán on European Christian Democrats: "First we become centrists, then liberals and finally left-wingers"
…What is happening in the EPP? Our membership is suspended because we are the „black sheep” of the Union, so I can say what I think.
The latest issue of the weekly "Sieci": They attack Poland because it is growing stronger. Will we survive?
In the new issue of „Sieci” the journalists of the weekly explain what is behind such a massive attack on Poland, especially from commentators unfavourable towards our country.
Rally in support of the reform of the judiciary! "We're not asking. We demand that the changes are continued!"
…What EU officials do is abuse of the law. You have no right! — he addressed his words to EU institutions that want to meddle in the Polish justice system against the law.
Finally some kind of afterthought? The Institute of Yad Vashem apologizes for historical errors at the World Holocaust Forum
The editorial staff of „Haaretz”, which published excerpts from the Yad Vashem letter, points out that there was no explanation to what extent the Institute was responsible for preparing the content that…
His death was terrible, but his life was far from "holy". So what is the reason for the pressure to "canonize" Paweł Adamowicz? LET US RECALL THE FACTS
…What are the accusations, who is to blame, who contributed to this crime, whether it was the language of hatred or the media campaign for the President of Gdansk.
Więźniowie stanu wojennego piszą do liderów unijnych instytucji: Wyrażamy oburzenie z powodu obojętności na sytuację we Francji
…human and civil rights by French government, extraordinarious police brutality against the citizens, who are justly demanding their workers’ rights, notoriously maintaining reforms contradictory to what…
The Three Kings' processions and their record attendance tell us more about the Polish community than political analyses. "Do you want a smiling Poland? Then you have it! "
…What is characteristic, much smaller, sometimes hardly noticeable demonstrations of left-wing circles gain great media coverage and importance; often making politicians of various factions tremble with…
Wildstein recalls Roger Scruton: He played a remarkable role. He understood philosophy, as it should be understood
Wildstein pointed out that Scruton had posed the question: „What is fundamental for a human being?” explaining that human nature is the same as it was thousands of years ago.
Report from Auschwitz - special film screening for the media. "Poles informed all Allies about the situation in extermination camps in occupied Poland"
Unknown documents from British archives and testimonies of prisoners - this is what one could see during the special screening of the film Report from Auschwitz – the Janusz Kurtyka Educational Centre…