In front of the Constitutional Tribunal building on Saturday there was a large manifestation of support for the reform of the judiciary carried out by Law and Justice. Citizens are calling for the changes to continue. „This is Poland.” - chanted the demonstrators.
The demonstration under the motto „Let’s defend our sovereignty” started with a prayer recited by Fr. Stanislaw Malkowski and singing an anthem. The first speaker was Adam Borowski, an oppositionist during the communist period.
It was you who said: why are we not on the streets? Why the message is only that there are those on the streets who are against this reform. We gave them a mandate in the elections to reform the justice system to the end
— said Borowski.
Justice is the strength and the foundation of the power of the Republic of Poland. If this justice is not found in the courts, our homeland will be weak. There are many people with this stigma of betrayal, who do not want our homeland to be strong. It is to be strong by means of justice for every citizen. And we will bring this to an end
— he continued.
We’re not asking. We demand that the reform of justice is continued
— he stressed.
I took the trouble to review the Lisbon Treaty. There, the justice system does not fall under the competence of the EU. This is our sovereign right (…). What EU officials do is abuse of the law. You have no right!
— he addressed his words to EU institutions that want to meddle in the Polish justice system against the law.
The demonstrators also expressed their support for President Andrzej Duda and his decision to sign a law disciplining judges.
No step backwards
— chanted the demonstrators together with Adam Borowski.
Andrzej Gwiazda and Krzysztof Wyszkowski, legendary oppositionists from the period of the Polish People’s Republic, also spoke to the audience.
The victory is determined by the fact that millions of people are behind it. It breaks the opponents’ resistance. The opponents feeling this social support lose their voice.
— said Gwiazda.
We won in ‘89 and if we sustain this support, our people will win everywhere - in Warsaw, in Brussels
— he emphasized.
The banners held by the participants of the demonstration bear inscriptions: „Down with unlawfulness, in the courts”, „Courts and prosecutor’s office into the hands of a sovereign”, „False courts, thieving governments”, „Stop judgecracy”, „Remove the criminals in Judicial robes”.
Tłum. K.J.
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