In this unique time, each of us is asking ourselves many questions, reevaluating many matters. Some issues can be seen better, with more clarity and transparency. One can also pause and conclude what is important.
One of the issues worth considering is the answer to a simple question: How important are the portal, the weekly „Sieci” and the television for you?
The media we co-create are not the richest (rather the opposite), they don’t dazzle with glitter (we ensure dignity), they don’t suck up to external powers (Poland is most important).
We know that our media have many flaws, like any human creation, but one thing is undeniable: they are true, Polish in spirit, faithful to the Christian heritage of the past and trusting in the great future of Poland.
There are plenty of fakes and cheerful, wobbly, foolish stalls on the market, changing their minds depending on how the wind blows, scared that the Eye of Sauron will see them.
We have never hesitated to pay our values painfully.
The price for loyalty to the Polish cause is the constant struggle against the obstacles that are put in our way in almost every field, starting from the advertising market (there is still a criminal collusion on the commercial market that excludes conservative voices) through to the distribution of the television signal (high level of discrimination).
But we do not complain. No one has ever promised that our task will be easy.
With our hard work, paid modestly, we do our job, we grow, and we endure successive campaigns of insults and false accusations, rising out of the world of the wealthy tycoons located in media glass palaces.
The prize is the recognition of the most precious, pro-state and pro-Polish, resistant to manipulation, part of Poles.
But everything that has been built is now under exceptionally heavy strain. The weekly „Sieci”, like every newspaper in Poland, is distributed in exceptional circumstances. Each individual is encouraged to stay at home and the society freezes its activities.
This causes that the possibilities of reaching readers with the magazine become limited. It is not only a weekly magazine - the portal is an inseparable part of the magazine, one depends on the other, they intermingle.
Therefore, the best support for our portal is the regular purchase, preferably a subscription, of the weekly “Sieci”.
Now, due to the circumstances, we have prepared a unique offer of electronic subscription: the whole year for the price of a semi-annual subscription or four consecutive editions of the magazine for less than 10 zloty.
The first sales figures show that we can count on the loyalty of our readers: where the magazine is available, it sells well. But this does not compensate for the losses suffered in closed points.
That is why we have taken the liberty of asking for support by purchasing an electronic subscription.
We have always endeavoured not to disappoint you. Every day, 24 hours a day, we guard Poland in our media. Now we ask for a gesture of solidarity. In return, every week you will receive an interesting weekly magazine, the most influential magazine in Poland in 2019.
Of course, you will receive it in Polish. But even if you do not have a good command of the language, it will make your gesture of support all the more important.
Tłum. K.J.
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