I’m warning everyone, stop making jokes about the quarantine. You think you’re young, strong, and unbreakable? No, you’re not! Stay at home and don’t complain. Be glad you’re alive, because in a moment you might not be here anymore
— says in an interview with TVN24 Aleksandra Grajewska, sister of the late Michał Grajewski, an employee of the Ministry of Justice, who died of a coronavirus infection.
It is not really known where my brother got infected. He was young, healthy; he didn’t suffer from any disease. Unfortunately, the coronavirus drained his body one and a half weeks after the first symptoms (moderate fever) and a week after the appearance of acute symptoms
— explains the woman.
The first symptoms, the fever started over two weeks ago
— she stresses.
Aleksandra Grajewska also makes a heartbreaking appeal not to joke about the quarantine.
It’s a couple of weeks in lockdown! Are you bored? My brother would wish to be bored. He would like to complain like you. But he can’t anymore. He’s gone. He’s dead, passed away, he has left us. Regardless of how healthy he was and the fact that he didn’t suffer from any concomitant diseases. The coronavirus has taken him. So remember, you’re not masters of life, respect what you have!
— said Grajewska .
tłum. K.J.
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