Piotr Semka has a great love for the Miraculous Picture of Our Lady of Jasna Góra. Let us pray for his health through Her intercession
And therefore I am taking the liberty of writing a few words. Because I know how much respect and love Piotr has for the Miraculous Picture of Our Lady of Jasna Góra .
EXCLUSIVELY. Third wave of the pandemic. A doctor from the National Hospital: There are more young people who are in a serious condition
Each patient requires complex assistance - not only medication, but also food, taking to the toilet, bringing oxygen, and all this gets multiplied. Doctors as well.
"The Church cannot remain silent". Centre for Religious Freedom Research at the UKSW has been established
Especially that the alarming phenomena are already taking place in the heart of Poland, in Warsaw — said Father Professor Waldemar Cisło , director of the newly established Centre for Religious Freedom…
What more can be done to save the Pole? Here's an idea: let's give him the status of a diplomatic representative of the Republic of Poland
Regarding the case of the Polish citizen who is in hospital in Plymouth, UK, I would like to inform you that I am taking all possible measures to grant him diplomatic status — wrote Professor Zbigniew…
SDP responds to the German journalists: This is an abuse and unjustified interference in the internal affairs of Poland
The SDP’s General Board of Directors stresses that „ nothing of the kind is actually taking place, the media in Poland operate on the basis of democratically established laws and the regulations in force…
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
In adopting a EUR 750 billion rescue package, the European Union is taking on a historic level of debt. Hungary’s national debt is much lower than Italy’s.
Szczepionka coraz bliżej, ale czy koniec pandemii także? Wokół szczepionki jest zbyt dużo pytań, by już otwierać szampana
CNN: ‘Don’t Be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine W tym miejscu warto przypomnieć, że na świecie wciąż nie ma leku, działającego przyczynowo na koronawirusa.
Prime Minister at the Sejm: solidarity is the most important vaccine against the coronavirus
The battle against the pandemic also consists in taking actions that will affect the condition of Polish economy and everyday life of Polish citizens to the least extent possible, simultaneously preventing…
The Prime Minister informed the members of the local government about the main assumptions of the Government strategy for combating the pandemic
…Taking care of the healthcare system, protecting the elderly and keeping the economy as intact as possible — these are the strategic goals of the Government.
Polish involvement in the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund has reached the level of €750 million
Polish State Development Bank (BGK), represented at Virtual Summit by Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, just announced an additional investment of €250 million into the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund, taking…
The yellow zone across the entire country. Wearing masks becomes compulsory. 38 counties in the red zone. The Prime Minister appeals: Let's follow the rules
Today, we have to face the second wave in a decisive, rigorous manner, taking advantage of the experience we have gained and the experience of other countries.
Text by President of NBP, Prof. Adam Glapiński, for the “Polski Kompas 2020” annual. "NBP actively supports the Polish economy during the pandemic"
As a result, the monetary policy response would not be fully dovetailed with the macroeconomic processes taking place in Poland in terms of its scale and the time of its implementation.
"Solidarity" on the map of the world. "This is what the world looked like in the summer of 1980"
For several months, precisely since Christmas 1979, the victorious operation of the Red Army was taking place , which, traversing the wilderness of Afghanistan, waited only for an order to move further…
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the "Freedom and Independence" (WiN)
The taking of Poland by the Red Army, the Soviet terror and building of state structures by the Polish communists subordinate to the USSR, forced the underground army to change its forms of activities.
Soviet aggression on Poland from 17 September 1939. Invasion, defence, occupation, partition, terror
Occupation The numbers of the Red Army were an overwhelming advantage, so the Soviets moved quickly into Poland taking more and more towns and cities.
Another ecological disaster at Trzaskowski's. "What we have here is a repeat offence"
They were taking water samples. Residents from Warsaw come to the area around the accident site.
The heroes of the anti-communist opposition appreciated: a higher minimum pension or allowance and a package of additional changes introduced
Arrests, internment, punitive conscriptions, hindering people from taking up employment or degradation to lower official positions - these are just some of the measures taken by the then authorities against…
The Supreme Court has declared the presidential elections valid. „There is no reason to question the election"
There is nothing to stand in the way of the President-elect and President-in-Office taking the oath in front of the National Assembly — stressed Prof.
The IPN will commemorate the soldiers of General Józef Haller’s Volunteer Army of 1920
It was a victory in the fight taking place on the „internal front” – between private interests, egoism, cowardice, on the one hand, and loyalty to the Homeland, a sense of duty and courage, on the other…
Social activist Jan Śpiewak pardoned by the president Duda
As he added, the president made a decision „ comparing the motives of the convicted person’s actions with the consequences of the sentence in the sphere of personal life and taking into account the significant…