The situation in Europe has become critical. We decided that it is necessary to address this issue as quickly as possible. Especially that the alarming phenomena are already taking place in the heart of Poland, in Warsaw
— said Father Professor Waldemar Cisło, director of the newly established Centre for Religious Freedom Research at the UKSW, to „Nasz Dziennik”.
The centre was established at UKSW in response to the progressing secularisation of society. It is also connected with the growing number of totalitarian movements and the constant migration of Muslims to the Old Continent.
Europeans have not learnt their lesson from history. Communist, Nazi and fascist movements are being revived in the West. Prosperity and consumerism have only further accelerated the process of de-Christianisation. (…) According to Austrian statistics - in 2030 Muslims will constitute the largest religious group in Vienna. Emigration from Africa and Middle Eastern countries contributes to the process. And these are the two main reasons: de-Christianisation and the rise of movements and religions that hate the Gospel
— he stated.
In an interview published on Friday, the priest expressed his concern about the recent incidents in our country.
I still have a clear picture in my mind’s eye of the marches in the name of abortion and those young people who attacked churches with such hatred. We had not observed any such hostility towards the Church even in the times of profound communism. In those times churches were a place of asylum, something sacred; a place where ZOMO was afraid to enter. (…) Today you may say anything, except that you are a believer in Christ
— he said.
In the next part of the interview, the priest was asked about the threat of limiting religious freedom also in Poland. He strongly indicated the direction in which the Church should proceed in order to prevent this from happening.
If we do not exercise our right to express our opinion; if we become the Church of silence, then very soon (…) we will follow the way of Spain or Ireland. (…) The Church cannot remain silent. In this way we would renounce God and the Gospel
— he stressed.
Tłum. K.J.
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