The Supreme Court (SN) was in no doubt and considered the presidential election valid. The judges pointed out that although 93 election protests were considered legitimate, they did not affect the final outcome of the election. It was also emphasized that many of the election protests were not properly justified. The SN stressed that the most important issue which was in favour of the date of the elections on 28 June and 12 July was the necessity to ensure continuity of state power, and the issue of pandemic was an objective circumstance which influenced setting the elections on 28 June and 12 July.
Despite the absence of any state of emergency, the elections of 10 May 2020 were not held. In view of this unconstitutional situation, it was the responsibility of the state to conduct elections
— justified verbally by the Supreme Court.
There is nothing to stand in the way of the President-elect and President-in-Office taking the oath in front of the National Assembly
— stressed Prof. Aleksander Stępkowski, the spokesperson of the SN.
Tłum. K.J.
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