A special compensatory benefit for anti-communist opposition activists and victims of political repression is included in the main amendment to the bill adopted by the government. It will allow those involved in the struggle for Polish independence and sovereignty in the years 1956-1989, whose pension or allowance is less than PLN 2400, to receive monthly compensation. Apart from that, the bill also provides for other facilities, such as lower prices of public transport and railway tickets.
Between 1956 and 1989, Poles who fought against the communist regime were subjected to numerous repressions and harassment. Arrests, internment, punitive conscriptions, hindering people from taking up employment or degradation to lower official positions - these are just some of the measures taken by the then authorities against the anti-communist opposition activists. All that have negatively affected the activists’ material situation - not only during the repressions, but also today. The government now decides to redress those wrongs.
„It is our great duty to provide decent living conditions for people who fought for our freedom and independence between 1956 and 1989. Without their sacrifice, there would be no Poland we know today. They are our heroes. The compensation benefit we have prepared is a tribute to the great figures of the anti-communist opposition. Finally, we are able to start paying off the debt we owe them. The debt, which, however, cannot be fully repaid”
— said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
Redress for the Polish People’s Republic: compensatory benefits
The amendments to the act on anti-communist opposition activists and victims of political repression and certain other acts adopted by the Council of Ministers will partially compensate for the economic consequences suffered by those persons at the times of the Polish People’s Republic.
New provisions contained in the draft relate to the special compensatory benefit for persons who fought for the independence and sovereignty of Poland between 1956 and 1989.
Heroes of the anti-communist underground
Who will be entitled to the additional benefit? All persons who were granted a status of an opposition activist or a victim of political repression and whose pension is less than PLN 2400. At present, there are several thousand people who have been awarded such status by the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression. Several thousand of them have a pension below 2400 PLN.
Half the price of public transport and railway tickets
The bill also provides for discounts on the purchase of public transport or railway tickets. Persons holding a confirmed status of an opposition activist or a victim of repression will pay 50 percent less for travelling by public transport. At the same time, a 51 percent reduction will be granted for bus and train journeys on intercity routes.
A chance for people who are not insured
According to the bill, the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression will be able to report anti-communist opposition activists and victims of repression, who are not subject to social insurance in Poland or who do not collect a pension or allowance, to health insurance and pay contributions for them.
Anti-communist activists like war veterans for 3 years now
The special compensatory benefit is another step in restoring dignity to former anti-communist opposition activists. Three years ago, they were granted the same entitlements as veterans of struggles for independence in 1939-1956. Similarly to war veterans, they receive a monthly cash benefit for life.
In addition, the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression is obliged to make it possible for them to:
— receive financial assistance on an ad hoc or periodic basis, — benefit from a spa treatment grant, — benefit from state medical care on preferential terms.
Source: KPRM, gim
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/514342-the-heroes-of-the-anti-communist-opposition-appreciated