Polish gov't spokesman criticises Macron's 'strategic autonomy' policy
Piotr Mueller who accompanied the Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki , on his visit to Washington on Tuesday, told the Polish state-owned broadcaster TVP Info that Poland disagreed with Macron’s…
Poland ready to send doctors to help jailed Saakashvili. ""We are ready to clear up these doubts in this way by directing a medical mission to Georgia"
In early February, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki suggested that Saakashvili could receive medical treatment in Poland. (PAP) gim…
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 19 April – 16 May 1943
The Polish Prime Minister, Władysław Sikorski, condemned the German crimes in the Warsaw ghetto and announced the prosecution of the perpetrators.
S. Żaryn przedstawia materiały do filmu Holland o imigrantach! "Nie ma co wymyślać obrazków, które będą manipulacją"
…— Prima Aprillis już był, więc to, niestety, prawda? Agnieszka Holland przygotowuje film o… migrantach z granicy polsko-białoruskiej?…
"GW" opisuje... hipokryzję "wrażliwej" na los "uchodźców" Holland! Ekipa filmowa rozłożyła w lesie niezabezpieczony drut żyletkowy!
CZYTAJ TAKŻE: Prima Aprillis już był, więc to, niestety, prawda? Agnieszka Holland przygotowuje film o… migrantach z granicy polsko-białoruskiej?…
Russia will not stop at Ukraine, Morawiecki says in Washington. "There is a risk of a scale difficult to imagine"
Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has argued during the first day of his trip to the US that Russia will not stop at Ukraine so all free nations must jointly prevent the escalation into a…
Zagraniczny sponsoring filmu Agnieszki Holland o migrantach na polsko-białoruskiej granicy. W tle środki z Czech i Komisji Europejskiej
CZYTAJ TEŻ: — Prima Aprillis już był, więc to, niestety, prawda? Agnieszka Holland przygotowuje film o… migrantach z granicy polsko-białoruskiej?…
Ban on combustion vehicles unacceptable says PM
The Polish government will never accept an EU ban on the sale of new CO2-emitting cars from 2035, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has said. „ We will do everything in our power to protect…
Ambasador Ukrainy oburzony apelem polityków niemieckiej SPD o podjęcie negocjacji pokojowych: "To cynizm wobec ofiar rosyjskiej agresji"
…„Ten apel o pokój nie jest żartem prima aprilisowym. To czysty cynizm wobec licznych ofiar rosyjskiej agresji” - powiedział agencji dpa.
Is Berlin standing alone in its attacks on Poland? German politicians should recognize the importance of events in Washington
The ongoing visit of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to the United States brings further decisions in this regard.
Poland demands EU intervention to curb Ukrainian grain imports
Poland wants the European Commission (EC) to introduce regulations that will reduce or block imports of Ukrainian grain to Poland as the destination market, Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister has said…
Obłuda czy bezmyślność? Aktywiści oburzeni leśnymi zasiekami z filmu Agnieszki Holland: „Reżyserka powinna przeprosić”
CZYTAJ TEŻ: — Prima Aprillis już był, więc to, niestety, prawda? Agnieszka Holland przygotowuje film o… migrantach z granicy polsko-białoruskiej?…
"24.02" exhibition of the Polish National Foundation in Lithuania. "Dramatic story of war refugees from Ukraine, but also a story of international solidarity"
The exhibition was held under the honorary patronage of Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Piotr Gliński , and curated by Dr. Marcin Zarzecki - PFN President and Michal Góras - PFN Vice President.
PM says Poland is not understood, discriminated against by EU. See the full speech
Poland is being discriminated against by Brussels due to a lack of understanding of the changes taking place following a political transformation, Mateusz Morawiecki, the prime minister, has said.
President says four MiGs will go to Ukraine in next few days. "Still in good working order"
Mateusz Morawiecki, Poland’s prime minister, said earlier in the week that the aircraft could reach Ukraine in four to six weeks.
Ursula von der Leyen do NATO - całe życie 1 kwietnia. Tak nieudolna, że mogła zyskać poparcie europejskich polityków
To jest tak głupie, tak niedorzeczne, że może być żartem na prima aprilis, a nawet prawdą. Refleksja na Zachodzie. Holenderski dziennik: Powinniśmy poświęcać Polsce więcej uwagi.
Poland supports coalition of ammo producers for Ukraine. "Currently the main problem"
Poland has backed Estonia’s idea to form a coalition of countries that would provide ammunition for Ukraine, the Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, has said.
ADAMSKI POLECA. "Katharsis w sali kinowej" i "Kim jest Patoff?". "Zblazowana jazda w zaprzęgu globalnego kapitalizmu"
…„Konsultant” z Amazon Prime to Christoph Waltz na sterydach. Diaboliczny, uroczy, żenujący, magnetyczny, słodki i przerażający. Ten krótki serial warto przede wszystkim obejrzeć dla niego.
Poland's defence spending record high in Nato says PM. "Poland made a number of large-scale military purchases"
Poland’s plan to spend as much as 4 percent of its GDP on defence this year may be the most ambitious among all Nato member states, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has said.
Prime Minister Morawiecki for wPolityce.pl: There is no Tusk effect, it's pure nonsense, spin, and PR. "He himself is like a grumbling Smurf Grouchy".
…Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki tells the portal wPolityce.pl and the weekly ‘Sieci’. We are posting another excerpt from the conversation.