Will Żukowska save the beavers from Tusk's fury? ‘There are no beavers in this area at all, they don't live there’
Your suggestions are not the first ones that we need rapid change when it comes to the presence of beavers on the dikes.
On the alleged insanity of Donald Trump. ‘Those who claim this are incapable of interpreting what is happening today’.
There is also a military and political dimension to the whole affair, because it is impossible to control the Canal without a military presence, all the more so because Panama borders Colombia, ruled by…
Brudziński: "We won't be fooled today. You were a very poor president; perhaps the worst"
Pacta sunt servanda - in the presence of the Polish Prime Minister and the Polish President, you promised to unblock the funds, and then you withdrew from it. Transparency wasn’t your forte either.
Beautiful initiatives! Marches for Life in Poznan and Plock. "Let's be together!"; "Let's care for life"
The times we live in are extremely fast-paced and dynamic, which is why Caritas Poznań invites us to slow down on Mother's Day, spend it with our loved ones, savour our presence and appreciate what we…
Prezydent dla "Il Giornale": Zamknięcie przez KE kwestii tzw. praworządności przed wyborami do PE jest czysto polityczną decyzją
Włochy są obecne militarnie w ramach NATO na Słowacji, na Łotwie, gdzie wspólnie z naszymi, polskimi żołnierzami wykonują służbę w ramach Enhanced Forward Presence, chroniąc niebo w naszym regionie — przypomniał…
Rishi Sunak i Jens Stoltenberg z wizytą w Polsce. O czym będą rozmawiać premier Wielkiej Brytanii i szef NATO?
CZYTAJ RÓWNIEŻ: Sekretarz generalny NATO: Musimy współpracować, by przeciwstawić się temu rosnącemu w siłę sojuszowi autorytarnych mocarstw W ramach inicjatywy NATO Forward Presence ustanowionej w 2016…
What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
The Polish identity, so unequivocally affected by the presence of two genocidal state totalitarianisms (plus the Ukrainian one) on the Polish lands, is intended by the authors to lose the multi-generational…
EXCLUSIVELY. Szydło: PO was supported not only by social media haters, but manifestations inspired by them
The TK is the appropriate institution to determine whether these laws passed without the presence of two of our colleagues when they were arrested, or now that the 461st member of the Polish parliament…
Zbliża się rocznica wstąpienia Polski do Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego! Zbiega się z kluczowymi dla całego NATO wydarzeniami
Jednym z najważniejszych postanowień szczytu było utworzenie czterech batalionowych grup bojowych NATO w ramach inicjatywy Wzmocnionej Wysuniętej Obecności NATO (NATO Enhanced Forward Presence - eFP).
TOP 10 quotes from President Andrzej Duda's interview for "Sieci" and wPolityce.pl. "The line of the rule of law - I will never allow it to be crossed"
Poles have proven that it is possible to succeed in Europe, and the Union itself has benefited from our very presence. However, we want the Union that respects the sovereignty of the member states.
Everything we have done for Ukraine, we have done justly. If there is anything we regret today, it is the price Ukrainians will pay for their current illusions
The Ukrainian elite clearly do not understand that Poland did not achieve its current level of economic development, state power and importance thanks to its presence in the Union.
„Niepewna efemeryda”. Formowanie brygady na Litwie zajmie Niemcom wiele lat, a pieniędzy na Bundeswehrę wciąż brak
Brygadę ma uzupełnić wielonarodowa grupa bojowa NATO (Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup), która stacjonuje już na Litwie pod dowództwem Niemiec i jest obsadzona rotacyjnym personelem.
Prighozin's presence in Belarus 'disturbing' says president. "This calls for a very tough response by Nato"
The Polish president has called the presence of Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin in Belarus a serious and disturbing problem that merits a „tough” response from Nato.
Poland demands Belarus urgently explain airspace violation. "We call on to stop all provocations"
Following the incident, Poland increased its military presence and deployed combat helicopters on its border with Belarus. Nato was informed about the incident, the MoD said.
President says Polish soldiers changed course of history in 1920. "They defended the whole of Europe"
Warsaw where leading figures, including Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Defence Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, attended a ceremonial changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in the presence…
Spotkanie prezydenta Dudy z przywódcą Łotwy. "Najistotniejszy jest problem bezpieczeństwa"; "Mówimy o atakach na nasze granice"
Jak wszyscy wiedzą, nasz kontyngent wojskowy operuje na Łotwie, jest obecny na Łotwie w ramach NATO Enhanced Forward Presence (Wysunięta Obecność NATO), ustanowionego podczas szczytu w Warszawie w 2016…
Jaroslaw Kaczynski says he will quit goverment after elections. "I don't want to be prime minister"
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the governing Law and Justice (PiS) president and a deputy prime minister, has said his presence in the cabinet is “temporary” and he will leave the government after the general election…
ECR: Time to suspend agreement with Cuban regime. "Sooner or later, the necessary changes towards the democratisation of Cuba will take place"
The presence of Miguel Díaz-Canel, whose name is mentioned in the aforementioned resolution as one of the individuals that should be sanctioned for his participation in crimes against humanity, was denounced…
Wagner Group may try to push migrants to Polish border. ""These bloody mercenaries, often criminals, can carry out all types of missions"
The Wagner Group has been building up its presence in Belarus after a failed mutiny against the Russian authorities as Belarusian strongman, Alexander Lukashenko, took it upon himself to mediate between…
I Love Poland winning the La Larga race!
I LOVE POLAND is already a recognizable symbol of Polish presence in the world’s most prestigious regattas in the international sailing community.