La Larga is an offshore race that belongs to the Spanish sailing event called PALMAVELA, which has been organized annually since 2004. The route of the race led around Mallorca and Minorca, as well as several other small islands: El Toro off the west coast of Mallorca, Isla del Aire south of Minorca, and the Cabrera Archipelago located 30 nautical miles south of Mallorca. Starting and finishing points were located near Palma.
The crew of the yacht of the Polish National Foundation completed the route in 24 hours, 38 minutes and 50 seconds winning Line Honors and, after taking into account the conversions, winning in the IRC category.
However, the other yachts of the IRC and ORC 1 groups did not cope so well with the areas of weaker winds and the next unit did not reach the finish line until more than 15 hours later than the Polish yacht.
„Another „I LOVE POLAND” victory in the 2023 season marks a streak of successes in terms of ocean racing rivalry in the history of Poland. Recent years have brought Poland so many victories that they have become an attribute of I LOVE POLAND. January’s success in the Transatlantic Race was the benchmark of victories in the entire Polish biography of ocean racing rivalry. It is amazing that a complex experiment, trying to overcome the cliché of communicating Polish pride and Polish history, brings such results. I LOVE POLAND is already a recognizable symbol of Polish presence in the world’s most prestigious regattas in the international sailing community. The project is a unique endeavour promoting primarily Poland, but also Polish ocean racing sailing. The last year has been marked by regatta successes and, importantly, training successes, as we have expanded the project by adding a model for educating young Polish ocean sailors. More than 1,000 sailors, adepts and professionals have signed up for the preliminaries of the four training editions. I would like to thank the captain and crew for providing thrills to passionate ocean sailors and I wish them further victories”
— said Dr. Marcin Zarzecki, President of the Board of the Polish National Foundation.
The yacht’s crew during the regatta was once again made up of Poles themselves, who were selected during successive training editions organized by the Polish National Foundation. The trainings are aimed at improving the professional skills of the competitors and enabling Polish athletes an opportunity to try their hand at ocean sailing - in prestigious international competitions.
„We are pleased that the training formula we have prepared for the young generation of Polish sailors is bearing fruit. The I Love Poland yacht is developing its sails and is doing well in the next regatta in 2023. It is worth noting that the yacht’s crew includes only Polish athletes, among them those selected during the training editions, as well as members of the National Team or World and European champions in their categories”
— Michal Góras, Vice President of the Board of the Polish National Foundation, added.
This year, ILP won the Line Honours of the RORC Transatlantic Race, and was second at the finish line in the RORC Caribbean 600, finishing 3rd in the IRC Overall. It also won the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta, confirming the excellent shape of the Polish crew, which includes participants in the Training Programs and Polish Sailing Association athletes.
The I Love Poland yacht, after this highly successful start weekend, is already back in Valencia, where the crew is carrying out a pre-planned and regular service in preparation of the yacht for the European season.
Tłum. K.J.
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