Zwierzęta powinny być chronione przed mową nienawiści. Czas skończyć z pogardą międzygatunkową
Na łamach renomowanego czasopisma prawniczego „Oxford Journal of Legal Studies” (wydawanego przy wydziale prawa Uniwersytetu w Oxfordzie) dwóch naukowców z Uniwersytetu w Sheffield w Anglii, Josh Milburn…
Orlen Lietuva przejmuje jedyny terminal przeładunkowy przy polskiej granicy! "Kluczowe znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa energetycznego"
W przygotowaniu transakcji Orlen Lietuva korzystała z usług doradczych PwC i PwC Legal.
Prof. Legutko: Calm down ideologically, let people live, don’t make a revolution
They must not be deprived of this right because there is no legal or moral obligation to admit any indoctrinator into schools, even if this indoctrinator has powerful supporters in the European institutions…
Zakup Polska Press przez Orlen narusza konstytucję? Kto przygotował opinię prawną dla Helsińskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka?
To „Media Legal Defence”, którą współfinansuje fundacja Georga Sorosa. CZYTAJ TAKŻE: Zawsze przeciwko ambitnej Polsce! KO żąda wstrzymania fuzji Orlenu i Lotosu.
Minister Ziobro: The law protecting freedom on the Internet is gaining momentum. Major international players are censoring the statements of Poles
The law protecting freedom on the internet, freedom in social media is gaining momentum in terms of legal proceedings — he added. Tłum. K.J.
What more can be done to save the Pole? Here's an idea: let's give him the status of a diplomatic representative of the Republic of Poland
The British medical and legal system has sentenced him to death - but Poles want to save him.
NASZ WYWIAD. Walka o życie Polaka z Wielkiej Brytanii. Dr Furman: To sygnał, że Polska poważnie traktuje swoje prawo
Przede wszystkim prawnicy z brytyjskiego Christian Legal Center, którzy te sprawy prowadzą tam na miejscu, bardzo silne zaangażowanie rodziny – walka sióstr i matki o swojego brata i syna.
PM Viktor Orbán: In this region we know what it’s like when decisions aren’t made in our own capitals
EU Commissioner Věra Jourová wanted to introduce a similar supervisory authority with a rule of law mechanism lacking clear legal definition or objective, universally applicable criteria.
PM: Key negotiations are behind us. At stake was PLN 770 billion, thanks to which we will be able to develop faster
The adopted guidelines will have to be incorporated into the legal mechanism applied by the European Commission. This is more than merely an interpretation.
Prime Minister in the Sejm: We want Poland to be a strong country in a strong Europe, but we will not agree to be blackmailed
…out, the adoption of a regulation on conditionality, which could be freely interpreted, would risk the collapse of the European Union at later stages. „ The EU must be built on a foundation of law and legal…
Huge support of Poles for the rights of children with Down Syndrome. The Constitutional Tribunal stands up for their right to life
According to a survey conducted by the Social Changes studio commissioned by the portal wPolityce.pl, a vast majority of Poles believe that children with Down Syndrome should be given legal protection…
The Constitutional Tribunal has decided: eugenic abortion is unconstitutional
This problem concerns the legal status of a child in its prenatal stage of life. It is also an ethical and philosophical problem.
Charges against the well-known lawyer Roman Giertych and businessman Ryszard K. Allegations of appropriation and removal from the developer company amounting to PLN 92 million
Roman G. was formerly Deputy Prime Minister, in recent years he was considered a close friend of Donald Tusk, and also represented many PO politicians in legal cases. Tłum. K.J.
The police are concluding the protests of extreme feminists. Stones and eggs were thrown at the officers
Abortion of a pregnancy resulting from rape and in a situation where a woman’s life is threatened remains legal.
President Przyłębska responds to the EP resolution against Poland: Like every EU country we have the right to determine our internal regulations
The increasingly frequent occurrence of judicial activism goes beyond the traditional role of the judiciary, thus creating legal norms.
The Polish Underground State, 1939 – 1945
Even though the Polish territory had been occupied by Germany and the USSR, the Polish state as such continued to exist as a legal entity.
The Constitutional Tribunal will investigate whether the Istanbul Convention is compatible with the Polish Constitution
Prime Minister Morawiecki claimed that „ there are numerous accusations made in public discussion against the Istanbul Convention, namely that it undermines our legal order, that it has an ideological…
The 76th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. "Losses among civilians are estimated at 150,000 to 200,000 people"
This would enable the Delegation of the Government of the Republic of Poland to the Country, representing the legal Polish Government In Exile, to cast civil authority over Warsaw, thus awaiting the Soviets…
RAPORT ZE ŚWIATA. Liczba zakażonych koronawirusem w USA przekroczyła 5 mln. Ponad 3 mln chorych i 100 tys. zgonów w Brazylii
Przedstawiciel niedochodowej organizacji, udzielającej nowojorczykom porad prawnych Legal Aid Society twierdzi jednak, że nie daje to wystarczającej pewności najemcom, którym groziła eksmisja jeszcze przed…
President Duda signed a draft amendment to the constitution concerning adoption by homosexual couples: Protecting the family is my goal
The position of the Polish society is unambiguous, while the legal situation was not and even until now is not entirely clear — he said.