In a single-line statement the European Parliament has declareg the entire territory of the European Union an ‘LGBTIQ Freedom Zone’.
In response to this attempt by the European Parliament to interfere in competencies of the EU member States, Polish MEP and ECR Co-Chairman Professor Ryszard Legutko stated in his today’s plenary speech:
The text prepared by the European Parliament is absurd and shows that this chamber has become a great ideological machine that wants to create a new human in the EU, even at the cost of breaking the law and violating the truth. In law - Article 9 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights provides that marriage and family matters are governed by national laws.
When local governments defend the family, refuse to indoctrinate children without parental consent, and refuse ideological officers entering schools and telling children absurdities about gender and sexual fluidity, they are based on national law, the constitution of states and the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. Defending the family is their sacred right. They must not be deprived of this right because there is no legal or moral obligation to admit any indoctrinator into schools, even if this indoctrinator has powerful supporters in the European institutions.
The outcome will be counterproductive due to the violence it contains. So calm down ideologically, let people live, don’t make a revolution, make the Union a free zone for common sense
— he emphasised.
Source: ECR
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