I wanted to announce an important decision that I have taken. It concerns freedom; freedom on the Internet. (…) There is no freedom of speech unless there is freedom of debate
— said Minister Zbigniew Ziobro.
The Minister of Justice published the video on his Facebook profile. He talked about the freedom of speech on the internet and the upcoming legislation that will protect Poles from censorship by internet giants.
Since most political disputes, discussions and debates on world views take place on the Internet, we must ensure that the Internet guarantees freedom of debate, freedom of thought and freedom of speech within the framework of the laws in force in Poland. And we all observe that the big international players, the large internet corporations headquartered outside of Poland, are increasingly censoring the statements and online activity of Poles in an obscure, arbitrary way, lacking any criteria
— said Ziobro.
The law protecting freedom on the internet, freedom in social media is gaining momentum in terms of legal proceedings
— he added.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/536372-ziobro-the-law-protecting-freedom-is-gaining-momentum