Bielan: Ukraine's wounds will scar generations
…„Let us not forget the tremendous costs Ukraine has been paying for standing against Russia for Europe’s security: Bucha’s horrors, far over 10,000 civilian deaths, the tremendous military losses, 10 million…
Disclosure of medical confidentiality. Zbigniew Ziobro is now taking steps: I am filing a criminal complaint. This is punishable by 10 years!
The former minister stated that ‘Tusk is trying to conceal the true extent of the tragic flood and the deaths of many people, for which he bears responsibility’. Tłum. K.J.
Gala wręczenia nagród 16. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmowego Niepokorni Niezłomni Wyklęci. Lista laureatów
Witolda Pileckiego Dwie równorzędne nagrody główne: Życie i śmierci Maxa lindera / Life and Deaths of Max Linder / Vie et morts de Max Linder, reż.
German plan to honour Poles killed in WWII may prove empty, says official. "It was a period of cruel crimes calculated to destroy the Polish nation"
On Tuesday, the German Minister of Culture, Claudia Roth, said that „the planned Polish-German House is to commemorate the suffering that took place in Poland in 1939-1945, as well as the cruel deaths…
Mother and child ferry deaths no accident say investigators. "The result of conscious actions"
The deaths at sea of a 36-year-old Polish woman and her seven-year-old son were the result of conscious actions, Danish maritime accident investigators have said.
Battle of Warsaw, 1920. "One of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world"
The main reason behind their deaths were the typhus and dysentery epidemics, which also killed many Polish civilians.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
The main reason behind their deaths were the typhus and dysentery epidemics, which also killed many Polish civilians.
Controversy over the number of deaths. Niedzielski: There are very big differences between countries in the approach to classification
…decision-making or description by the doctor” — said the health minister at RMF FM. „ I think that there are simply very large differences between countries in the approach to classifying individual deaths…
OUR INTERVIEW. Will the health service withstand the predicted 50,000 infections? Prof. Gut: Probably yes. The number of occupied beds and ventilators is decreasing
…„ The number of deaths has stabilised at a certain level, and the number of illnesses if we compare to Wednesday of the previous week is indeed surprising.
Poland will help Turkey and Greece in their fight against fires. President: Firefighters will go to the site. Our friends in need can always rely on us
So far, the fires have caused eight deaths and hundreds of people have been injured.
Head of the Ministry of Health: "The third wave of the pandemic is weakening"
The peak in the number of cases of infections, hospitalisations and deaths is behind us — said the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski at the press conference.
The German killing machine. "From the outset of the war, Poles continued their fight for freedom"
Their health suffered greatly, which contributed to numerous deaths. Along with the changing situation on the fronts of World War II, the role of concentration camps also changed.
The government is easing up on restrictions. Hotels, cinemas, theatres and ski slopes, among others, open from 12 February
After two weeks of implementation of the new rules, we will check how the virus behaves with respect to the basic parameters, that is, the incidence of infections, the number of deaths, occupied beds,…
One million coronavirus vaccines have already been administered in Poland. We are in the process of vaccinating: "Another important stage is behind us"
We observe an average of 270 deaths per day.
The government responding to the rising incidence of infections!.E-learning in grades 1-3, shopping malls and cultural institutions closed
There were 316 more deaths. It seems that this November will be one of the most difficult months.
NASZ WYWIAD. Dr Basiukiewicz: Obserwuję epidemię „od środka”. Mamy do czynienia z efektem „bomby na stadionie” i paniką
W Anglii i Walii śmiertelność w domach wzrosła o 25 proc., łatwo też znaleźć informację na temat „excess deaths”, czyli nadmiarowych zgonów z powodu chorób non-covid.
Coronavirus in Poland. There is a daily record of infections. 20 156 new and confirmed Covid-19 cases. 301 people died
There were 46 deaths due to COVID-19 and 255 people died due to COVID-19 coexistence with other diseases.
REPORT. Coronavirus in Poland. 8536 new cases. There are 49 more people dead. Total of 175 766 infected and 3 573 deaths
Since the beginning of the epidemic 92 651 patients have recovered.
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Curtis L. Hancock: Neo-Marxism is exceedingly strong in the United States
For BLM, black lives matter when they are an opportunity for Leftist partisans to use the deaths of black people to advance their agenda to transform American society.
OUR INTERVIEW. Czarnecki: The only thing missing from the LIBE committee's report is that aliens land in Poland. It's all smoke and mirrors
…the situation in his own country, where his socialist government has been very late in responding to the coronavirus epidemic, making Spain one of the countries with the highest number of coronavirus deaths…