Apart from the preservation of historical truth from manipulation, the security of the whole country, its citizens and residents are at stake here
Media coverage can affect the lives of individual people, change their attitudes, and shape their behaviour. It even has the power to shape the mindset of a whole nation.
"Gazeta Bankowa": America is sneezing, the world is in a fever
…business sadness related to the pandemic, about how Vladimir Putin plays with promises about a Russian vaccine against COVID-19, for which game producers need retired KGB agents, how HR departments change…
The case of Ambassador Mosbacher. Sent to Poland by Trump, she crossed over and joined his Polish opponents
As soon as the change in the White House is eventually accomplished, she will be forced out of Warsaw and from her beloved TVN station.
Nie każdy homoseksualista jest gejem. "Przekonanie, że orientacja homoseksualna jest niezmienna, to paranaukowy mit"
A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation”, Intervarsity Press: Downers Grove IL.
The United Right gains, and is currently on the verge of a majority in the Parliament. The Civic Coalition losing. Check!
No change. The Polish People’s Party can count on 7%. - increase by 2 points. As many as 6% of the respondents chose the answer „other party”. The declared turnout is 64%.
NASZ WYWIAD. Saryusz-Wolski: Barley robi sobie karierę i rozgłos na ściganiu Polski i Węgier. Poprzednio robił to Timmermans
To się nazywa „regime change”. Na tym polega jej dictum – ona chce łatwego środka.
The 75th anniversary of the founding of the "Freedom and Independence" (WiN)
The taking of Poland by the Red Army, the Soviet terror and building of state structures by the Polish communists subordinate to the USSR, forced the underground army to change its forms of activities.
Hungarian Prime Minister on Poland: "Judging by its economic performance, Poland will become the new Germany of Europe in 10 years' time"
The world is undergoing a major change that will determine the role of the West, of the people of the West, of the Western world, of Europe and, within it, of Central Europe.
Will Alexander Lukashenko survive or will he lose power? What is the Poles opinion? Check out the results of an interesting survey!
The results are more equal than in our survey, and indicate a growing belief that the regime in Belarus will not change, however.
The 76th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. "Losses among civilians are estimated at 150,000 to 200,000 people"
Airdrops of supplies for the insurgents, carried out by the air forces of the Western Allies (including Polish airmen) were just a fraction of what was actually needed and could not possibly change the…
The Minister announces an "important initiative for women": The aim is to tighten penalties on sexual offences, in particular rape
He assured that after Poland’s termination of the Convention, nothing will change in this respect.
President Duda signed a draft amendment to the constitution concerning adoption by homosexual couples: Protecting the family is my goal
This draft amendment to the Constitution, which I signed a moment ago in the form of a cover letter to the Speaker of the Parliament, is a very small change in the Polish Constitution.
Biała kapitalistyczna Ameryka, napędzana wyrzutami sumienia ma sfinansować utopijne pomysły czarnoskórych towarzyszy
Rashad Robinson, szef ugrupowania Color of Change, podkreślił w rozmowie z NBC News, że „nie chodzi o to, by stworzyć kraj bez policji”. Tylko o jej reformę.
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Curtis L. Hancock: Neo-Marxism is exceedingly strong in the United States
Only wholesale change, sought along Marxist lines, can be the remedy. A constructive dialogue, which Leftist activists are not open to, would admit that America has some dark episodes in its past.
Premier: W ciągu dwóch tygodni przegląd projektów Programu dla Śląska. W poszczególne projekty jest już zaangażowanych 58 mld zł
Za dwa tygodnie umówiliśmy się na przegląd wszystkich projektów w standardowej metodzie change managment - zarządzania zmianą, zarządzania projektami.
What did the Polish President really say about LGBT ideology? Check it out. Don't get manipulated
…(…) In order to change children’s point of view and set their point of view about the world, for example through their sexuality in childhood, (…) this is an ideology — said President Andrzej Duda during…
A new regulation of the head of government has been published. Hairdressers and restaurants may be opened. What else will change?
The movement of passengers by trains that cross the Polish border is suspended until further notice…
What about our western "friends"? Interesting indeed. What lies behind the sudden change of decision about the next ambassador in Warsaw?
He was an ambassador in Prague, but his knowledge of Poland is a great mystery. His father, Bernd, was preparing reports for Hitler in 1945.
Poland under threat of drought. Urgent meeting between the President and Ministers
…underway, but they are spread out over the years — said President Andrzej Duda at the press conference after the meeting with the Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Environment, Minister of Climate Change…
The Martian View of Europe, liberalism, Hungary. "Why Hungary? Basically, because it was convenient"
What is noteworthy about these political moments is that they do not change. For a decade the left of the political spectrum in Europe has united to censure Hungary.