The fact that there were attempts to impose communist ideology on school children was Bolshevism, ideologizing people. Today too, our children are being forced into a completely different ideology, although it is a kind of neo-Bolshevism. (…) In order to change children’s point of view and set their point of view about the world, for example through their sexuality in childhood, (…) this is an ideology
— said President Andrzej Duda during a meeting with the inhabitants of Brzeg.
How strong this current is today is shown by yesterday’s situation, when an MP was thrown out of one of the Polish TV stations because he said that LGBT is an ideology. They are trying to convince us that LGBT is people, and it is just an ideology
— he added.
READ MORE: Manipulation in the media? Sadly, this also occurs in Poland. Here is an example
If anyone has any doubts as to whether this is ideology or not, they should look at the pages of history and see what the creation of the LGBT movement looked like in the world. They should find out what building this ideology looked like and what the views of those who built it were. The best proof that this is an ideology is that some people who have homosexual preferences do not even identify with this movement. They just have their own preferences and they consider it their private matter. I have respect for all people, yet I will not allow people to be ideologized, because this is my responsibility for children and Polish youth
— stressed Andrzej Duda.
For 40 years my parents’ generation fought for the purpose of throwing communist ideology out of schools, so that young people’s brains couldn’t be brainwashed. Therefore I strongly believe that we cannot allow another ideology to come now and replace it
— indicated the president.
Poland is not a country of a narrow elite. Poland is a country for everyone. You can choose to have different preferences, but you cannot impose it on others
— he added.
Andrzej Duda added:
Tłum. K.J.
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