Unofficially, we learn that first of all, last year, during Marshal Witek’s visit to Berlin, the German side promised that on 8 May 2020 at the latest, a project to build a monument to Polish victims of the Third Reich in the German capital will be put to a vote in the Bundestag. However, nothing like that has happened. Why? Because the support for this idea is so weak that the originators are simply afraid to be discredited. Instead, there was a project in the Bundestag to commemorate… German victims of the Second World War, by AfD.
Secondly, the German stance towards Poland is expected to be made even more stringent: Ambassador Rolf Nikel was to be replaced by Andreas Peschke, a Saxon supporter of our country. He even started to learn Polish. But the decision was suddenly changed: Arndt Burchard Ludwig Freiherr Freytag von Loringhoven is to become ambassador. Former deputy head of the BND and head of NATO intelligence services. He was an ambassador in Prague, but his knowledge of Poland is a great mystery. His father, Bernd, was preparing reports for Hitler in 1945.
tłum. K.J.
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