In Russia, the government is preparing to shut down YouTube. In Poland, those in power are considering shutting down the X portal
So this one is reaching for more and more violence, and irritation at the independent free circulation of information is also building up. Such as on the X portal, perhaps soon also on Facebook.
In the new ‘Sieci': The mystery of his faith. ‘A passionate story about the sources of Fr Olszewski's strength’; ‘He is a person sensitive to human suffering’
It’s not as if he thought he would build a huge building somewhere in Wilanów and that would give him professional satisfaction.
OUR INTERVIEW. How will Trump's possible return affect global security? Wąsik: Republicans have always stood firm against regimes
…‘No new wars broke out under Donald Trump’s presidency, and now this is what Donald Trump is building his support on.
Wiec Trumpa z większą frekwencją niż Marsz na Waszyngton? Kandydat Republikanów: Przyciągnąłem większy tłum niż Martin Luther King
Ten człowiek prędzej wspiąłby się solo w stylu wolnym na Empire State Building, niż przeprowadził zdyscyplinowaną konferencję prasową — napisał Bulwark, tłumacząc tym fakt, że były prezydent opowiadał…
To trzeba zobaczyć! Żydowska organizacja z USA przeciwko Izraelowi. Przejęli budynek i skandowali „Niech żyje Gaza!”
Według AP dziesiątki protestujących zebrały się przed hotelem, w którym zatrzymał się Netanjahu. setki demonstrantów przejęły rotundę Cannon Building, w której mieszczą się biura członków Izby Reprezentantów…
The address of President Duda. ‘Poles deserve to have their concerns taken seriously’
…you are wasting your energy on media spectacles in front of investigative commissions which have not really established anything, instead of concentrating on what is most important for Poles, i.e. building…
EU Buildings Directive adopted with the tacit approval of the Tusk government. Szydło: It is going to drain Poles' pockets in the next few years
…start forcing member states to implement the plan, the execution of which is a gigantic expense for every homeowner (and other property, as the rules being introduced cover virtually every type of building…
In the latest issue of "Sieci": The mystery of Tomasz Szmydt's escape. We uncover the goals of the activity of the fugitive judge to Belarus
Just before the scheduled meeting with the media, it turned out that the minister was not in the building and the conference was cancelled.
Prezydent Duda na Forum Biznesu w Wilnie. „Trójmorze stało się najważniejszą platformą współpracy regionalnej”
Andrzej Duda na Forum w Wilnie Prezydent podczas wystąpienia podczas panelu dyskusyjnego „3SI: Building resilience and prosperity” zwracał uwagę na infrastrukturalny wymiar Inicjatywy.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski: My brother's line of action was to try to rebuild Polish patriotism, i.e. the strength of the Polish nation
The idea was to surround Russia so that it could not terrorise with this energy weapon, but also so that it would simply have less money for armaments, for building up its power and the aggression that…
Farmers protested in Warsaw. Talks with Hołownia and Grabiec ended in failure. "The government has not proposed anything"
From Plac Defilad after At 11 a.m. the agricultural „starry march” set off in front of the building of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Talks were held there with Marshal Szymon Hołownia.
We will remember Prof Staniszkis as a courageous person and a scientist. There is much to her credit for changing things for the better in Poland
They shaped the thinking of many Poles, building the intellectual base for the ambitious attempt to move away from the national micromania undertaken in 2015. She strongly urged for it.
White House. Speech by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda
Work is already well advanced on the construction of Poland’s first nuclear power plant, which we are building with American companies.
I spent the day with defenders of the Television News Agency (TAI) at Powstańców Warszawy Square. "They want to take away our freedom"
We arrive at the front of the TVP building. It is surrounded by policemen, who, of course, do not want to let us in. We have to call our colleagues to have someone come down to pick us up.
Changing EU treaties. Saryusz-Wolski in Brussels: It's a constitutional coup, an attempt to abolish the sovereignty of states
Member countries are thus at risk of losing their sovereignty for the sake of building a European superstate.
What is a little Pole not supposed to know? "Changes to the school curriculum airbrush important topics from our past"
…primary schools, already in its very general and adjective-laden introduction (there is no ideological introduction for secondary schools at all), distances the student from such aims of upbringing as building…
Jaroslaw Kaczynski in front of the Pilsudski monument: One must fight for freedom and sovereignty. Mr. Tusk, you will not get away so easily
Jaroslaw Kaczynski spoke during a march in front of the building of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Council of Ministers (KPRM).
Fotyga: This is a symbolic step in the re-establishment of a post-communist system in Poland. "Shame on Donald Tusk"
An anticommunist rebel, freedom fighter and anticorruption leader, in the last 8 years did a tremendous job building Poland’s resilience against Putin’s and Lukashenka’s hybrid warfare.
President Duda: I am deeply shocked that people of crystal integrity have been locked up in prison
The fight against corruption is one of the basic elements of building a modern state. It is an absolutely fundamental issue.
PAP President Wojciech Surmacz has released a dramatic letter to the journalists of the world. "Unlawful, brutal, forceful attempt to seize control"
The men, however, spent the entire night in the agency’s building, claiming they had to work. The next day at the PAP Press Centre, I held a meeting with journalists and agency employees.