Tusk's huge mistake. His statement may have disastrous consequences. "He behaves like a bull in a china shop", "completely irresponsible game"
Unfortunately, Polish commentators – busy discrediting the meeting of Polish and US presidents – failed to notice something what has already become number one topic in the diplomatic lobbies.
OUR INTERVIEW. Professor Pawłowicz: I told EU delegates in the National Counter of the Judiciary in Poland that Poles are a proud nation and they must respect us
Krystyna Pawłowicz, Member of National Couter of the Judiciary, said about the meeting with the EU delegates to the portal wPolityce.pl. wPolityce.pl: What did you say to the members of the Committee on…
Warsaw Institute: World War II reparations - a problem for Germany today?
However, German researchers, lawyers and historians fully understand what damage the Nazi state caused to its victims.
Jarosław Kaczyński: the opposition’s been losing over the last months. But if they hope that it will dull our vigilance, they are wrong
It is exactly what Poland’s been doing more and more actively. 15. About his health. As it is known to everybody, I have a leg problem which concerns my knee, and that’s my only serious illness.
OUR INTERVIEW: Professor Polak: "I’ve been observing in Europe a return to national values"
Wojciech Polak, Polish historian and university teacher, to the portal wPolityce.pl wPolityce.pl: Professor, what is your opinion on the European Parliament’s decision to pursue disciplinary action against…
Prof. Jan Grabowski za cenzurą i przeciw promocji polskich Sprawiedliwych! Skandaliczny, kłamliwy donos do władz kanadyjskiej uczelni
I will also strongly encourage my 1st, 3rd, 4th year and graduate students to attend this lecture in order to learn what are the shapes and forms of Holocaust deflection and Holocaust distortion today.
Maciej Świrski’s statement on how the March of Independence was reported. "We call on the media to stop using hate speech towards Poles"
And the word ‘freedom’ is precisely the key to understanding what we are dealing with: Poles exercise their freedom by demonstrating their attachment to patriotic values; they exercise their freedom of…
OUR INTERVIEW. Merkel is beating her breast for opening the borders? Prof. Legutko: "This disqualifies Germany as a leading country in the EU"
This is what it is about, if we are together; everyone must make some concessions’.
Masquerade on request. How did the famous TVN "reportage" about Hitler's birthday celebration come into being? Surprising information
Who really financed the event and what was the actual participation of TVN journalists and their stations in the event? Did they reveal the existing phenomena or were they also the animators?…
"Cherish Poland, beware of agents"
Whoever is more prepared for this race, who will submit more proofs of endurance in this race, in the nearest future will be the winner, who will be able to keep what he has gained or make up for what…
Prof. Paruch: No party was as successful as Law and Justice (PiS)
Waldemar Paruch: The facts are most important and today they really look differently from what the main television broadcasted during the election evening.
The Council of Europe adopted a resolution calling on Russia to hand over the wreckage of the Polish Air Force Tu-154M!
…What will the adoption of the resolution result in? Due to the fact that Russia is suspended in the rights of a member of the Council of Europe, it can now be expelled from it.
Keith Botsford nie żyje. Pisarz i człowiek Renesansu zmarł w Londynie 19 sierpnia 2018 roku. Miał 90 lat
Everyone knows that he goes where no one else goes and sees what others don’t see. He’s a voyager and forever displaced. His books are neither central nor marginal.
A strong message from Cardinal Mueller: "Poland is the country in Europe that has done most for democracy. Today's attack on Poland is worse than the partitions!
Thank you for what Poland has done in Europe — he stressed. As he explained, not only Poland is currently being attacked but the whole Catholic Church.
Skąd ta zmiana? Michnik w 1995 roku: To kłamstwo, że Polacy są szczególną nacją, która po prostu marzy o tym, żeby dokładać Żydom
Thirdly, I have gone through this subject in the Balkans and I have heard what is being said in Croatia about Serbs and in Serbia about Croats. So all this is simply untrue. 5.
"The First News". Ruszył nowy anglojęzyczny portal stworzony przez Polską Agencję Prasową
…„Poland’s Constitution: the who, what, why, where and when of Europe’s oldest constitution” („Polska konstytucja: kto, co, dlaczego i kiedy na temat najstarszej w Europie konstytucji”) przypomniano także…
Wojna o Brexit ciągle trwa. Już w Londynie i w Brukseli odtrąbiono triumf zakończenia pierwszej fazy rozmów
…What now, pytają w podobnych sytuacjach Anglicy? Co się znowu stało? W sumie nic takiego, po prostu Davis, podobnie jak inni politycy, sięga po inną narrację w kraju, a inną za granicą.
Czy pracownik wp.pl rechotał z synem niemieckiego zbrodniarza z polskiej książki o niemieckich zbrodniach?!
…this message to Camil Sikora who phoned me today on behalf of Ogoreks book - he told me that they are laughing already about it in Poland - and to Mr.Uki Goni who wrote the preface - but I do not know what…
Bart Bagniewski: I like to act and I feel emotionally tied to Poland
To strengthen and deepen its partnership with the US Warsaw Institute Foundation: What was the main intention of The Warsaw Institute Foundation, Poland’s first geopolitical think tank in Washington?…
Poland is not the 17th Land of Germany - the sooner it sinks into the consciousness of the political elite in Berlin, the better
…What are the Polish-German relations just before the next round of intergovernmental consultations?…