Duda - Trump meeting in Washington, D.C. scheduled for June 24th. What is the subject of the talks?
…"It is first of all the area of defence, i.e. the problem of military and allied cooperation - directly between Poland and the USA and within NATO".
What did the Polish President really say about LGBT ideology? Check it out. Don't get manipulated
Here is an example If anyone has any doubts as to whether this is ideology or not, they should look at the pages of history and see what the creation of the LGBT movement looked like in the world.
President Trump: My friend President Duda is doing an incredible job; I know there's an election coming up, I hope he'll succeed
This is how President Donald Trump addressed the President of Poland during the meeting at the White House: We all know what a great country and a wonderful country Poland is.
OUR INTERVIEW. Prof. Curtis L. Hancock: Neo-Marxism is exceedingly strong in the United States
It has become axiomatic among progressives in America that what happened to George Floyd is a symptom of systemic injustice in the society, an injustice that dates back to America’s founding.
Manipulation in the media? Sadly, this also occurs in Poland. Here is an example
But what is LGBT? Can you tell me? — asked the MP at some point. Well, that’s all people, homosexuals and so on — responded the journalist.
What about our western "friends"? Interesting indeed. What lies behind the sudden change of decision about the next ambassador in Warsaw?
He was an ambassador in Prague, but his knowledge of Poland is a great mystery. His father, Bernd, was preparing reports for Hitler in 1945.
A new regulation of the head of government has been published. Hairdressers and restaurants may be opened. What else will change?
The movement of passengers by trains that cross the Polish border is suspended until further notice…
Treasures of memory from Treblinka
In Treblinka, the future sculptor met his history teacher from school in Częstochowa: “You’ve got to escape from here and tell the world what you’ve seen. That will be your duty”.
Wkład Polski do światowej skarbnicy marketingu politycznego, czyli nadwiślański rekord w księdze Guinnessa
…„What went wrong?” „Co poszło nie tak?” To pytanie wisieć będzie jak burzowa chmura nad głowami przyszłych badaczy zagadkowego fenomenu.
Balsam na niemoc... - wstańcie ludzie, otwórzcie już oczy, czerwiec to start Radia Nowy Świat...!
Wtedy na początek zagrał „What a Wonderfull World” Luisa Armstronga, że „zieleń drzew, czerwień róż, rosną tu, i myślę sobie tak, jaki cudny jest świat”… Niestety, cudnie jednak nie było, ponieważ przyjęli…
Witold Waszczykowski MEP: The struggle for freedom and independence has returned to Eastern Europe
…What followed the war was just another form of oppression of the millions of Europeans left behind the Iron Curtain, even though the Kremlin calls it “liberation.”…
Szumowski: We will "loosen up" the restrictions on the epidemic "in small steps"
Public space is a broad concept (…) but I think we all know what it is about. (…) Everywhere we can come into contact with another human being.
Gowin: The elections should be postponed; the date of May 10 is not an option
For what is the basic concern of Poles today is whether they will have jobs, whether they will get a salary, whether they will have enough money to support their families and their children in this difficult…
President Andrzej Duda: Nobody knows what will happen on May 10. I hope that it will be possible to conduct these elections without any problems
…(…) Nobody knows what will happen on May 10. (…) I hope that it will be possible to conduct these elections without any problems. Tłum. K.J.
What exactly has changed since Wednesday 25 March? SEVEN KEY POINTS
The Prime Minister: „We are concerned about what is happening. We can’t afford to become complacent.” What does that mean exactly? 1.
How important are the portal wPolityce.pl, the weekly "Sieci" and the television wPolsce.pl for you? We kindly ask for a gesture of solidarity
One can also pause and conclude what is important.
Szefernaker: Just as we were gradually introducing restrictions, we will gradually move on to this "new normality"
And what is most important?…
The Martian View of Europe, liberalism, Hungary. "Why Hungary? Basically, because it was convenient"
…What is noteworthy about these political moments is that they do not change. For a decade the left of the political spectrum in Europe has united to censure Hungary.
Minister Szumowski in "Sieci": Things will never be the same again. The coronavirus epidemic will remain in our consciousness
But it is difficult to predict exactly what life after the coronavirus will look like — said Prof. Łukasz Szumowski , the Minister of Health, in the new edition of the weekly ‘Sieci’.
Further coronavirus fatalities in Poland. 129 people have died. 4848 cases of COVID-19 infection
…What about the restrictions?…