Democracy is never perfect, it is always subject to criticism, and there are always those who say that the rules of the game are unequal. However, it seems that the situation of the countries in our region, where foreign capital has such a great influence in the media, is really special. In fact, we are dealing with a form of restrained democracy, in which interference in the electoral process is almost publicly conducted. And that by means of a crowbar.
A multi-day campaign of the ‘Fakt’ tabloid, trying to transform President Andrzej Duda into a ‘paedophile defender’, or even worse (the loudest cover story in my opinion was also supposed to associate the president with an even more terrible accusation), will be an important milestone in our history. Irrespective of the outcome of the election. If Andrzej Duda loses, it will be clear that he lost because of the interference of a media company that has German roots. And this will have very serious consequences for Trzaskowski’s presidency. But if Andrzej Duda wins, it will be not only a proof of Poles’ exceptional resistance to manipulation, but also a clear lesson that certain spheres of reality carry its DNA, which cannot be changed by any means.
„Fakt” continues its campaign. It still associates the president with the issue of paedophilia (although the ruling team has done a lot to combat this problem) and promotes Trzaskowski with family photos. Thus, promoting the vision of the world completely upside down, with inverted vectors. After all, the „Fakt” editors know what the truth is. And who knows, maybe they will even write about it - only after the elections?
We must bear in mind that it will also be a vote on whether the time when the great media are more important than the will of the nation should come back. It will be a vote on whether it is Poles who elect the president or whether the president is appointed by external factors.
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