Public space is a broad concept (…) but I think we all know what it is about. (…) Everywhere we can come into contact with another human being. Bus stops, buses, offices, waiting rooms, streets - these are the places where there is a risk that we might infect someone. We don’t have to wear a mask at home, but if we’re going with a few people in a car, then yes
— said the Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski in the programme „Gość Wiadomości” (TVP Info).
Referring to the obligation to wear a mask, the guest of Danuta Holecka stressed: It protects others from us. We may have the virus and not know about it.
As he pointed out:
We just want to protect others against us.
We are balancing on the razor blade between the Covid-19 infections and the fact that we have to loosen up the economy in a very rational way to be able to wait for the vaccine
— he marked.
We will „loosen up” the restrictions on the epidemic „in small steps”
— said the Minister of Health.
Szumowski was asked in TVN24 about the announced from April 19 thawing out of the economy and easing the restrictions concerning the epidemic.
The Prime Minister is going to communicate the whole plan, how it will proceed. It must be done gradually. We need to be able to assess the situation between the different stages; how quickly or slowly these stages will be followed. We must assess the situation based on the number of sick people, because there will be an increase in the number of illnesses. Tomorrow we will give you the details
— announced the head of the health department.
Asked for details, he replied that there would be „some relief for all of us” in this „loosening”. At the same time, he warned that Poland is in the early stage of the epidemic.
Tłum. K.J.
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