COMMENTARY on the poll. The consolidation of PiS is still in progress. "The opposition is most likely to be weakened by its nervous and contradictory movements"
Commentary on the weekly Socio-Political Survey of the portal wPolityce.pl and the weekly magazine „Sieci”. READ MORE: SURVEY. Law and Justice has reached 40 per cent of support.
Nie żyje komisarz wojskowy odpowiedzialny za mobilizację w Rosji! 49-letni Roman Małyk "nie skarżył się na swoje zdrowie"
Portal Euro Weekly News, powołując się na informacje z rosyjskich mediów przekazał, że nie podano przyczyny śmierci Małyka, a „policja i komitet śledczy nie udzielili informacji na temat tego zdarzenia…
They stole, raped, murdered, and threw the bodies into nameless graves. They left an inscription on the wall: "We the Russians, God is with us"
For more on this, read Monday’s issue of the Weekly Sieci. Yet a journey through eastern Kharkiv is a journey through another circle of hell.
Prime Minister Morawiecki is questioned on whether V4 group cooperation would be back, and what about Poland's friendship with Hungary
The latest weekly magazine Sieci features an interview by Michał Karnowski with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. We present one of the excerpts from the conversation.
Jarosław Kaczyński in "Sieci" on relations with the EC: "We have shown our utmost goodwill but the concessions haven't brought any results. It is high time we drew conclusions".
Especially for the readers of the portal wPolityce.pl, we are publishing an excerpt from an important interview given by Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński to the weekly „Sieci”.
Prime Minister Blaszczak in an interview with 'Sieci': We will have the strongest ground troops among European NATO countries
…„ We will have the strongest ground troops among the European NATO countries,” — says Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence Mariusz Blaszczak in an interview with the weekly „Sieci”, which…
Georgette Mosbacher in the weekly 'Sieci': Never believe the lies about Poland! Poles were right, and today they deserve the Nobel Prize
In the new issue of the weekly „Sieci”, the former U.S. ambassador to Poland appeals to the world to listen to the voice of the Poles.
The latest issue of “Sieci”: Polish volunteer at war in Donbass
…experience, respect from Ukrainian uniformed officers and, above all, a determination to, as he says, „help people who have been invaded” - Jakub Augustyn Maciejewski writes in the latest issue of the weekly…
How will the Visegrad Group proceed? Prime Minister Kaczyński for "Sieci": After some time it will come back to its activities
In an interview with the weekly Sieci, Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Law and Justice Jarosław Kaczyński also referred to relations with Hungary.
Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński for "Sieci": Opposition's accusations of using Pegasus for political purposes are utter nonsense
They lost because they lost; they should not look for such excuses today — Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński tells the „Sieci” weekly.
"Poland versus the European Union", Antoni Libera versus "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung"
The latest issue of the weekly „Sieci” published Antoni Libera’s excellent essay „Poland versus the EU”.
What about European solidarity? V4 leaders and President Macron answer questions from wPolityce.pl and "Sieci"!
…— this is the question that the representative of the editorial team of the portal wPolityce.pl and the weekly „Sieci” asked the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries and the French President…
GREAT ACTION: Support our boys defending Polish borders. Send a postcard to the heroes, show them your support!
Please send the cards to us, at the address of the Weekly Sieci, so as not to disturb the work of the Guard.
In the weekly "Sieci": Will Russia strike this September?
It is worth keeping in mind that at the same time Russia is deliberately bringing in migrants from the Middle East and trying to push them across the border into Poland.
"Lukashenko and Putin will lose this war". Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus
In the latest issue of the weekly „Sieci”, Minister Mariusz Kaminski explains the situation on the Polish border with Belarus. He notes that „Putin is now testing how tough our state is”.
Fenomen Carlsona. "Zajął miejsce polityków reprezentujących niezadowolonych konserwatywnych wyborców. A jest ich dużo"
Od „The Weekly Standard” po Fox News Tucker Carlson urodził się w 1969 r. w San Francisco i dorastał w zamożnej rodzinie, w elitarnych dzielnicach kalifornijskich miast.
President Obajtek: There have been many attempts to persuade us that capital has no nationality. But these were nothing but lies
I believe it is for all those who support me in this work — said the winner of this year’s Man of Freedom award of the weekly „Sieci” Daniel Obajtek .
These women keep saying: Enough! The thunderbolt troublemakers do not represent us. Join the #niewnaszymimieniu action!
The weekly illustrates the cover article with photographs of women who say: Enough! We are not represented by the thunderbolt protesters. Dorota Łosiewicz encourages everyone to join in.
The new issue of the weekly “Sieci”: The Polish elites. What is the reason for such a huge disgrace among influential celebrities, politicians and actors?
In the latest issue of the weekly “Sieci” about a scandal that has shaken up public opinion in Poland - vaccination against coronavirus of over a dozen influential people done out of turn.
„Proletariacki shopping”. Grabieże i zamieszki jako nowa metoda redystrybucji dóbr i ekstatyczny karnawał wolności
A „Publisher’s Weekly” widzi w niej „prowokacyjną zachętę do traktowania grabieży jako skutecznego narzędzia protestu”.