President Duda: Polish matters are going well, our country is gaining strength
And the overriding thing: I am the president of the Republic of Poland, therefore taking care of the future of our country, my homeland, is my primary duty.
Oszczerczy artykuł w Kyiv Post
Thousands were shot by German, Polish and Ukrainian killing squads, with OUN members taking part, according to eyewitness accounts”.
Poland is not the 17th Land of Germany - the sooner it sinks into the consciousness of the political elite in Berlin, the better
At the same time the protests of the countries of our region taking place on the EU forum, concerning the sale of poorer quality goods at the same, and often at higher prices than in Germany, have escaped…
Independence 1918. When Poland was born again
The process of disarming Germans, taking over ammunition and institutions by Poles and creating the foundations of independent Poland began.
The President of Poland was treated scandalously in Berlin. How to talk to Germany, when instead of listening, they are setting traps?
…that the German media are able to present the arguments of the camps fighting for power in Kenya or Zambia relatively reliably, and at the same time they are not able to report honestly on the debates taking…
Poland after regional elections. Law and Justice wins in regional councils, opposition in big cities
The remaining groups taking part in elections to local assemblies in Poland were below the election threshold: Freedom in the Self-Government and Party Razem gained 1.5 percent each, the National Movement…
Masquerade on request. How did the famous TVN "reportage" about Hitler's birthday celebration come into being? Surprising information
Therefore, we are considering taking legal action - as stated in the communication.
Dość kłamstw o Polsce! Przeczytaj po polsku, niemiecku, angielsku i francusku - przekaż zagranicznym znajomym!
And it does so not by taking the citizens by surprise, but by fulfilling bit by bit the word given during the electoral campaign, which eventually brought it to power.
Brytyjski rząd ujął się za azylantem i wyjaśnił: za śmiercią Litwinienki zapewne stoi Putin. Rząd Tuska nie zrobił nic, by wyjaśnić... śmierć Prezydenta RP
…Taking full account of all the evidence and analysis available to me, I find that the FSB operation to kill Mr Litvinenko was probably approved by Mr Patrushev and also by President Putin — czytamy w oficjalnym…
Oto najlepiej sprzedające się albumy wg BILLBOARDU. TOP 10
Krazy Life Foster The People - Supermodel Skrillex - Recess The Pretty Reckless - Going To Hell Pharrell Williams - G I R L Rick Ross - Mastermind Enrique Iglesias - Sex And Love Lorde - Pure Heroine Taking…
Spór o słowa: „Niemieckie obozy” i „niemieckie zbrodnie” w niemieckiej i polskiej narracji historycznej
…would not fit the phrase “concentration camps built in occupied Poland by the Germans.”[19] In January 2015, on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of KL Auschwitz, in commentary on the ceremonies taking…
LAWSON nie chcieli być boysbandem
Debiutancki album "Chapman Square" dotarł do Top 5 w Wielkiej Brytanii i zawiera takie hity jak "When She Was Mine", "Taking Over Me" czy "Standing In The Dark" - wszystkie dotarły do pierwszej dziesiątki…
SZTUKA WYBORU, czyli rzecz o granicy kompromisów
…"Taking Sides"), Austria/Francja/Niemcy/Wielka Brytania 2001, reż. Istvan Szabo, scen. Ronald Harwood, wyst.: Stellan Skarsgård, Harvey Keitel, Moritz Bleibtreu, Birgit Minichmayr…
Brytyjczycy podsumowują rok 2014
A premier Cameron mocno zaakcentował swoje oddanie wartościom chrześcijańskim, „giving, sharing and taking care of others”, co znaczy że żyje już majowymi wyborami parlamentarnymi.
DPA kaja się za "polski obóz śmierci": "Prosimy wszystkich, którzy zostali obrażeni tym błędnym sformułowaniem o przyjęcie naszych najszczerszych przeprosin"
Rest assured that the German Press Agency dpa is aware of its journalistic responsibility and that an internal review of this particular case will be taking place.
"Raport o zagrożeniach wolności słowa w Polsce w latach 2010-2011" Stowarzyszenia PJN dostępny także po angielsku!
Sometimes, the police refused to intervene when aggressive bands were attacking elder women taking part in services. Warsaw authorities did not consent to erect a monument in place of the cross.
Dyplomaci-trampkarze. "Amerykanie z Brytyjczykami mieli przekonywać rząd Tuska, że umieszczenie bazy w Polsce leży w najlepszym interesie Polski"
Libby Stockel, FCO desk officer for MD, told polmiloff January 9 that UK diplomats at NATO were "sensing nervousness" among other Allies since the Polish elections, given the Polish government's "stock-taking…