Pożytki z WikiLeaks. Kto by pomyślał, że dzięki działalności Pana Juliana dowiemy się czegoś o naszych tuzach dyplomacji. "The Telegraph" publikuje kolejny "kabelek" (ze stycznia 2008) z amerykańskiej ambasady w Londynie. A tam takie kwiatki:
MISSILE DEFENSE: HMG CONCERNED POLAND WILL UNDERCUT PROGRESS AT BUCHAREST - już w tytule HMG (Her Majesty Government) się niepokoi polską postawą wobec tarczy antyrakietowej.
(C) Summary. HMG is concerned that public statements by Warsaw since the Polish elections are causing other NATO Allies to begin to question whether NATO should approve MD work at the Bucharest summit in April. HMG suggests the U.S. Government and UK warn the Poles that their wavering is affecting this important NATO decision. Although currently focused on beefing up Allied support for MD at Bucharest, HMG also hopes to re-engage the USG imminently on its own potential participation in the U.S. MD system.
HMG is concerned that U.S. and UK efforts to secure a positive NATO decision to pursue MD at the Bucharest summit in April could be undermined by ambiguous messages from Warsaw about Poland's commitment to MD. Libby Stockel, FCO desk officer for MD, told polmiloff January 9 that UK diplomats at NATO were "sensing nervousness" among other Allies since the Polish elections, given the Polish government's "stock-taking" on MD. The UK had planned to work with the USG, Czech Republic, and Poland to lobby other nations before the summit on the merit of NATO pursuing MD cooperation with the United States. Given the preponderance of evidence in NATO studies supporting the utility of NATO MD work and the near certainty of the U.S. system proceeding anyway, HMG expected the French and Germans to agree to move forward and the other Allies to then fall into line. But recent statements by Polish officials suggesting uncertainty about finalizing arrangements with the United States on participation in the third interceptor site have caused the Germans, in particular, HMG says, to express nervousness about the prudence of NATO moving forward on MD work.
Stockel, acknowledging that she had little insight into how the U.S.-Polish negotiations were going, wondered if the USG planned to tell the Poles that their public wavering was affecting NATO's decision making She noted that a NATO decision to pursue MD was certainly in Poland's interest, but the Poles seemed unaware that they were having this effect on squeamish NATO Allies. UK diplomats also reported to London that Polish diplomats at NATO did not seem to be picking up on this trend and advising Warsaw appropriately. Stockel thought such a message from the USG to the GOP would help. HMG was also considering delivering such a message but did not want to do so without checking with Washington.
I największy hit:
Wanting to be helpful in securing a positive outcome on MD at Bucharest, which will provide Allies, not least among them the UK, domestic political coverage for participating in MD, the UK hopes the USG and UK can jointly get the Poles back on message. The good news is that HMG has not given up hope of being part of the MD club, even if just as a test site; the bad news is that with no looming deadline for deciding on participation, the UK will have the time and space to mark out tough negotiating positions.
10.(C) Action request for State: Please advise on whetherHMG should press Warsaw to tone down its public statements intimating uncertainty about hosting the third interceptor site or risk weakening support for missile defense (MD) among NATO members.
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Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/109960-dyplomaci-trampkarze-amerykanie-z-brytyjczykami-mieli-przekonywac-rzad-tuska-ze-umieszczenie-bazy-w-polsce-lezy-w-najlepszym-interesie-polski