NATO kontra Ramstein 3. Czy na madryckim szczycie Sojuszu Północnoatlantyckiego dojdzie do historycznych decyzji?
Ten system, który już nie raz opisywałem w ubiegłym roku, określany jest mianem hub and spoke (piasta – szprychy).
Port Solidarność – inwestycja strategiczna dla suwerenności Polski. Coraz ważniejsza pozycja w Europie
Ruch lotniczy oparty na systemie piasty i szprych (hub & spoke) stanowi podstawowy warunek rozbudowy przez tradycyjne linie lotnicze połączeń dalekodystansowych, które cechuje największa rentowność w przeliczeniu…
ARTICLE by Karol Nawrocki, Ph.D: The constitution of Polish freedom
The distinguished philosopher, Edmund Burke, spoke of the 3 May Constitution with comparable enthusiasm: ” Not one man incurred loss, or suffered degradation.
Jarosław Kaczyński: A peace mission would be of great benefit in humanitarian terms and bring a positive change to the strategic situation in Ukraine
Jarosław Kaczyński, President of the Law and Justice party in an interview for the Polska Times, spoke, among other things, about the peace mission in Ukraine that he had proposed in Kiev.
Poles know how to distinguish between hybrid war involving migrants and the genuine tragedy of refugees
On the other hand, we were morally blackmailed: if we spoke out about it, if we defended ourselves, we would supposedly cease to be Westerners or even Christians.
Polska w nowym amerykańskim systemie sojuszniczym. Prawidłowe zrozumienie rysujących się trendów to szansa
Specjaliści piszący na ten temat już kilka lat temu sygnalizowali, że amerykański system sojuszniczy będzie zmierzał w stronę relacji określanych mianem hub and spoke, inni mówili o budowaniu koalicji…
Pyza and Wikło in new issue of "Sieci": Myths about Pegasus. George Soros' appearance in this story must set off alarm bells
The journalists quoted Senator Marcin Bosacki from the Civic Coalition, who spoke pathetically about the work of the commission on Pegasus.
Daniel Obajtek: The acquisition of Lotos Group by PKN Orlen is a historic moment and a giant opportunity for Poland's development
We are implementing a project that many of our predecessors spoke about, but they lacked courage and determination. We are creating the strongest fuel and energy company in this part of Europe.
What about European solidarity? V4 leaders and President Macron answer questions from wPolityce.pl and "Sieci"!
Prime Minister Heger: „We were very specific about protecting the external borders” We spoke very concretely about the protection of external borders, and I must say that we did not merely end up with…
Pope Francis expresses his joy at the beatification of Cardinal Wyszyński and Mother Elizabeth Rosa Czacka. "May God bless Poland"
Saint John Paul II spoke the historic words about Cardinal Wyszyński: There would not have been this Pope-Pole on the See of Peter if it had not been for your faith, which did not shrink from imprisonment…
Minister Kaminski warns against provocations: We do not want any incident on the border caused by irresponsible people
The Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration spoke before the Polish Parliament. He referred to the upcoming Zapad 2021 military training that will take place near our border.
Rafał Trzaskowski tried to prove that local government officials in Poland "took responsibility into their own hands" during the pandemic
The city has been completely inept — he stated. „ What the mayor is saying is astonishing” Konstanty Radziwiłł pointed out at the same time that Rafał Trzaskowski additionally spoke about the vaccinations…
Farewell to "Lala". Lidia Lwow-Eberle has passed away. So, what does the generation of 1920 leave us with?
About the difficult life at home, where they spoke Russian and about escaping to Poland and how she was becoming more and more Polish.
Chorosińska: The majority of Polish women do not identify with the group of yelling, vulgar and aggressive women
I think that the situation of women in Poland is neither threatened nor difficult — said Dominika Chorosińska when she spoke about the ‘new feminism’. Tłum. K.J.
President: The freedom of choice must be preserved. I fully understand the concerns of women, although I am opposed to eugenic abortion
President Duda spoke again. He talked about a new draft law on abortion, which takes account of the problem of lethal defects. I am convinced that such a solution can be elaborated.
81st anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. "Westerplatte is the place where a Polish soldier proved what honour is"
Mariusz Błaszczak , Minister for National Defence, spoke: We stress that the bravery of the soldiers of the Polish Army is almost legendary; we pay homage to them.
This entry says a lot! Donald Trump: "Congratulations to my friend President Andrzej Duda on his historic re-election!"
The presidents of Poland and the USA spoke face to face, the delegation talks were also held, and finally a press conference in the Rose Garden took place.
Manipulation in the media? Sadly, this also occurs in Poland. Here is an example
Żalek spoke clearly about LGBT ideology, not about people. Below we present the whole context of the MP’s conversation with the journalist. But what is LGBT? Can you tell me?…
President Andrzej Duda: Nobody knows what will happen on May 10. I hope that it will be possible to conduct these elections without any problems
The president spoke about the restrictions introduced by the government to counteract the spread of coronavirus in Poland.
The coronavirus strikes the budget. Works on the draft amendment are in progress. We know what will happen to the 500 plus
The government is also expecting a global crisis, as Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke quite openly about.