I think that the majority of Polish women do not feel at all represented by a group of yelling, vulgar and aggressive women
— said Dominika Chorosińska, a member of the Law and Justice party, on TV.
Protests during the coronavirus epidemic
Chorosińska commented on the protests organised by feminists involved in the Women’s Strike, led by Marta Lempart. The Law and Justice party member pointed to a difficult epidemic situation.
I do understand the protests. We live in a free country; we are free people. If we disagree with something we have the right to express our views
— she said.
Particularly in a covid situation, that is extremely irresponsible, because the government is working really hard to limit people’s meetings, spending billions on saving jobs
— she added.
Chorosińska: The vulgar women do not represent Polish women
She also referred to the issue of Lempart and feminists allegedly speaking on behalf of all Polish women.
I think that a larger group of women does not feel at all represented by a bunch of yelling, vulgar and aggressive women. This is not the true picture of a Polish woman – the one which has sadly been shown to the world
— stressed the MP.
I think that the situation of women in Poland is neither threatened nor difficult
— said Dominika Chorosińska when she spoke about the ‘new feminism’.
Tłum. K.J.
Publikacja dostępna na stronie: https://wpolityce.pl/facts-from-poland/528127-this-is-not-the-true-picture-of-a-polish-woman