WYWIAD. Prof. David Engels: Prawdziwy konserwatysta kocha Śródziemie. "Od nas wciąż zależy rozpoznanie króla"
Tolkiena, krytykował pan ostatnio w niemieckich mediach nową serię Amazon Prime „Władca Pierścieni: Pierścienie Władzy”, opartą na dziełach angielskiego pisarza.
The Minister of Culture shuts down discussion on Macron's gift. Gliński: Kant's book is not a Polish war loss
Deputy Prime Minister, head of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Piotr Gliński has announced that the book “Projet de Paix Perepetuelle”, which French President Emmanuel Macron gave to Pope…
Będzie projekt o powołaniu komisji weryfikacyjnej! Rzecznik PiS: Zajmie się zbadaniem decyzji dot. bezpieczeństwa energetycznego
Oczywiście byłoby kuszące zrobienie czy komisji śledczej, czy weryfikacyjnej, która w prime time by robiła program pt.
Russian deputy prime minister asked Tusk to lobby for Russia's gas interests? Minister Buda: Yet another scandalous document
Zubkov - the former Russian deputy prime minister and head of Gazprom’s supervisory board - asked Donald Tusk to lobby for Russia’s gas interests in the EU.
"24.02". This is the title of the photographic exhibition opened under the honorary patronage of Professor Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister
…„ 24.02” - this is the title of the photographic exhibition opened under the honorary patronage of Professor Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Morawiecki is questioned on whether V4 group cooperation would be back, and what about Poland's friendship with Hungary
The latest weekly magazine Sieci features an interview by Michał Karnowski with Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. We present one of the excerpts from the conversation.
Crucial words from Deputy Prime Minister Sasin in 'Sieci' on the fact that the lack of KPO money owed to Poland means also unpleasant consequences for Brussels
In an important conversation between Michał Karnowski and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State Assets, Law and Justice politician Jacek Sasin, one of the interesting threads is the question of the…
Politicians and journalists pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth II at her death. „It is the end of a certain era"; "A strong and extraordinary woman".
She said goodbye to the old Prime Minister, welcomed the new Prime Minister and then left. Very impressive.
Trudny balans Giorgii Meloni. Nic dziwnego, że Meloni stara się z góry zadeklarować ideowe koncesje...
…Primo – bo założona przez nią 10 lat temu maleńka partia Braci Włochów (FdI) staje się w wyniku obecnych wyborów główną siłą polityczną włoskiej demokracji, ze swoimi przeszło 26 proc. głosów.
War losses suffered by Poland as a result of Nazi Germany's aggression amount to one and a half trillion dollars
If we want to protect our state and our nation, we must strive for a profound reconstruction of the consciousness of the German people — Deputy Prime Minister Kaczynski pointed out.
OUR SURVEY. Germany has betrayed our region. Yet has the United States acted as a loyal ally of Poland in the face of the Russian threat?
…keeping our fingers crossed for the programme of radical strengthening of Polish defence introduced by the head of the Ministry of Defence, Mariusz Błaszczak, under the Act on Homeland Defence prepared by Prime…
PIOTR ROSIK: Taniec z ratami. Ile można zaoszczędzić dzięki nadpłatom w czasie wakacji kredytowych?
…Primo, umowa kredytu musiała być zawarta przed 1 lipca 2022 r. Secundo, okres kredytowania musi się kończyć co najmniej po upływie sześciu miesięcy od tej daty.
Prime Minister Blaszczak in an interview with 'Sieci': We will have the strongest ground troops among European NATO countries
…„ We will have the strongest ground troops among the European NATO countries,” — says Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of National Defence Mariusz Blaszczak in an interview with the weekly „Sieci”, which…
Perhaps it was your canned food that the frontline doctors had for breakfast today? Perhaps it was a bandage sent by you that saved a Ukrainian soldier's life?
Perhaps if our ancestors had gone so low as to cooperate with Marshal Petain and Prime Minister Laval, and had supplied Hitler with Jews at his every beck and call, perhaps we too would be trivialising…
Sankcje i odwet. Ekipa Morawieckiego mimo nieuchronnego kryzysu ma zachować szanse na utrzymanie się przy władzy
Co przecież oznacza trzy przyszłe i niepewne okoliczności: primo – że Morawieckiemu nie uda się osiągnąć odblokowania sankcji, secundo – że PiS wygra przyszłoroczne wybory, tertio – że po tych wyborach…
OUR SURVEY. At an objectively very difficult economic and social time, this scale of support for the United Right is truly impressive
On the contrary, despite the difficult moment, the results of Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s camp are impressively high, offering the prospect of a fight for an independent majority in the next term…
ADAMSKI POLECA."Stanąć w prawdzie" oraz "Każde życie jest ważne". "Bardzo dobrze wybrzmiewają rozdarcie i rozterki"
…„ Trzynaście żyć” - Film dostępny na Amazon Prime…
Jarosław Kaczyński in "Sieci" on relations with the EC: "We have shown our utmost goodwill but the concessions haven't brought any results. It is high time we drew conclusions".
Especially for the readers of the portal wPolityce.pl, we are publishing an excerpt from an important interview given by Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński to the weekly „Sieci”.
Exactly how high are war reparations from Germany to be? Mularczyk: I know the figure, but it will be announced by President Kaczyński on 1 September
The report was presented to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at the end of December 2021. As Mularczyk reported at the time, it received a positive feedback. Tłum. K.J.
The Battle of Warsaw was one of the most decisive events in the history of Poland, Europe and the entire world
In the face of the defeats on the front line, the Council of National Defense, consisting of the Speaker of the Seym, the Prime Minister and representatives of the government, the army and parliament,…