OUR INTERVIEW. 15 000 new cases per day is the limit of healthcare capacity? Prof. Ptaszyński: This is our estimate
We should remember that as long as we do not have effective measures in the form of a vaccine, then all the countries of Europe have the same problem, which means that these infections will occur.
Text by President of NBP, Prof. Adam Glapiński, for the “Polski Kompas 2020” annual. "NBP actively supports the Polish economy during the pandemic"
The experience gained by Narodowy Bank Polski before the pandemic proves that following a conventional and conservative monetary policy is an effective means of accomplishing the objectives pursued by…
THE LATEST SURVEY. Law and Justice (PiS) loses points, but Civic Coalition (PO) remains unchanged. The Left and the Confederation gaining. Check the results!
The Citizens’ Coalition (Koalicja Obywatelska) was chosen by 24% of respondents - one point less than a week ago. 14% of respondents want to vote for the Left (Lewica), which means an increase of 3 points…
The yellow zone across the entire country. Wearing masks becomes compulsory. 38 counties in the red zone. The Prime Minister appeals: Let's follow the rules
This means the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public space.
"Solidarity" on the map of the world. "This is what the world looked like in the summer of 1980"
In return, the Kremlin agreed - on paper - to respect human rights, but by no means did it intend to apply them in the area administered by KGB (the Committee for State Security) and its national counterparts…
Soviet aggression on Poland from 17 September 1939. Invasion, defence, occupation, partition, terror
Among the means of repression used by the Soviets were arrests, deportations to gulags, the Katyń Massacre. The total toll of the Soviet occupation is not yet entirely known today.
Jacek Karnowski: Polish people will remember how violently the German media in Poland wanted to influence the result of the presidential election
And that by means of a crowbar.
PKW issued a resolution on the presidential elections. "The Speaker of the Parliament has now 14 days to reorder the election"
Lack of possibility to vote for candidates is considered to be equivalent to lack of possibility to vote due to absence of candidates; it means that the Speaker of the Parliament now has 14 days to reorder…
Andrzej Duda with a record-high score; fierce fight for the second place. The turnout is growing
At the same time, four other candidates have a very similar level of support, which means that each of them would have a chance to take second place.
Premier Morawiecki będzie gościem "Quest Means Business" w CNN. Wywiad przeprowadzi znany brytyjski dziennikarz
Premier Mateusz Morawiecki będzie w czwartek wieczorem gościem programu Quest Means Business w stacji CNN, gdzie udzieli wywiadu znanemu brytyjskiemu dziennikarzowi Richardowi Questowi.
Premier w CNN: zamykanie granic przynosi efekty
Transmisja programu stacji CNN "Quest Means Business", którego gościem był premier RP Mateusz Morawiecki.
Minister Szumowski in "Sieci": Things will never be the same again. The coronavirus epidemic will remain in our consciousness
The mortality rate in the elderly is 10 percent, which means that our parents, our grandparents are very much at risk and our role is to protect them through isolation. […] We do everything we can to stop…
What exactly has changed since Wednesday 25 March? SEVEN KEY POINTS
…Means of public transport are in operation, but can be used by no more than as many people at a time as the number of seats divided by 2. 4.
Record-high ratings for coronavirus government action. A clear increase in positive evaluations. The KO voters were also satisfied. CHECK the results
This means an increase of 23 percentage points in positive ratings over the last week.
The coronavirus strikes the budget. Works on the draft amendment are in progress. We know what will happen to the 500 plus
This means that the budget deficit will most likely occur.
The government is closing educational institutions and universities. Cinemas, theatres and museums are closed as well
This means that the coronavirus has spread to the entire territory of these countries.
Law and Justice is slowly making up for the losses of mid-February
In our survey, 41% of the decided voters declared their willingness to vote for Jarosław Kaczynski’s party, which means that PiS (Prawo i Sprawidliwość) gained 2 percentage points in comparison to the…
Our interview. Saryusz-Wolski about the Greek actions on the border with Turkey: Once Orban was almost lynched and Poland was punished for it
Only that it could have used diplomatic means, all the more so because there were ideas about Turkey’s accession to the EU and in this situation nobody will possibly think about it anymore… The issue of…
Górny: Elections in Slovakia that is good news for the Visegrad Group. "The cohesiveness will be maintained"
This means that the main force encouraging the moral revolution and also the most reluctant towards right-wing government in Poland and Hungary found itself outside parliament.
OUR INTERVIEW. Kempa: Jourova should be impartial, but unfortunately she joins the election campaign of the Polish opposition
Beata Kempa , a member of the Law and Justice party in the European Parliament. wPolityce.pl: Commissioner Vera Jourova in „Der Spiegel” says that the reform of the justice system is carried out by means…