The information of the portal is confirmed. At the press conference, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki informed about the closure of all educational institutions and all universities from Monday. A decision was also made to close nurseries, children’s clubs and cultural institutions.
Starting from Thursday, these facilities will be inaccessible to the educational process. On Thursday and Friday the educational institutions will be still open, as parents must prepare themselves for the new situation. The facilities will be open and in the classrooms teachers will be able to look after the children to enable parents to organise the care of their children. (…) The best solution for our children is not to leave home
— he said.
The facilities will be closed for two weeks
— he marked.
We observe the situation of our neighbors. The whole of Italy has been closed. Also in Germany and France there are over 1500 cases of coronavirus. This means that the coronavirus has spread to the entire territory of these countries. In Poland we probably have 26 cases and we want to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. (…) In order to do so, we need to take appropriate action
— he added.
We are reacting faster than others to minimize the effects of the spread of the virus in Poland
— said Morawiecki.
The best solution for our children is not to leave home, because children can infect others very easily. It is a very responsible behaviour, because children can infect their grandparents without being aware of it
— stressed the Prime Minister.
Tłum. K.J.
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